The Madison-Rafah Sister City Project

Tag: apartheid

  • The transformation of Israeli leftists into dissidents is a reminder that no one is safe from the attempts to turn the ‘wrong kind’ of Jews into enemies. Edo Konrad, +972 […]

  • The Israeli-controlled checkpoint in Hebron (Bab al Zawiyah) divides Palestinians in their city. (Tanya Habjouqa/NOOR for The Washington Post) A new weapon on the right side of the checkpoint can […]

  • I’d like to you to meet Mahmoud and Emily, a Palestinian and foreigner couple who are thinking about taking the next big step in their relationship together. Watch “Love Under […]

  •   Palestinian Artist, Poet, and Filmmaker Lina Abojaradeh asks What country in the world intentionally shoots football players in the legs and knees? Join the movement and visit Kick Out […]

  • The Mask Is Off

    The newly elected Netanyahu government will include bigoted, intolerant, and violence-advocating ministers Dr. James J. Zogby, Arab American Institute, December 5, 2022 Since its founding, Political Zionism has had two […]

  • The men’s World Cup starts in just a few days.  The world will turn its attention to the largest sporting event on the planet.  Major sporting events, organized by corrupt […]

  • As salaamu alaykum,  Marvel Studios is out of touch. They’ve announced a new film featuring an Israeli Mossad agent named Sabra. Mossad agents are notorious for carrying out targeted assassinations […]

  • “Israel’s apartheid remains the root cause of Palestinians’ suffering,” said the group. Palestinians inspect the ruins of a collapsed building destroyed by an Israeli air strike in Gaza City on […]

  • Just Vision, 10/20/22 Moments ago, the ACLU petitioned the U.S. Supreme Court to hear a case of national significance on the right to boycott. It’s a case with massive implications […]

  • The Palestine Chronicle, October 12, 2022 Pro-Palestine activists in Uruguay celebrated a major victory on Wednesday as their country’s football team officially announced that they were not going to play […]

  • Join AMP on Thursday, October 13th @ 5:30 PM CT for a webinar: “From Grassroots to Congress: Progressives Exposing Israeli Apartheid” During Americans for Justice in Palestine (AJP Action) Advocacy […]

  • Israeli lobbies and related organizations internationally have long used disinformation, lies and deceptive methods and narratives to cover crimes Israel commits against Palestinians. — Rābet by PIPD #SaveMasaferYatta (@rabetbypipd) […]

  • And stop your betrayal of Ben & Jerry’s SumOfUs, Sep 29, 2022 It’s a bloody time in Palestine right now. At least 85 Palestinians have been killed in the West […]

  • An online film salon for the acclaimed film: BOYCOTT Sunday, 9 October 2022 1pm PT, 2pm MT, 3pm CT, 4pm ET (US, Canada) Register here A bracing look at the far-reaching […]

  • Israel applies an oppressive, separate, and unequal regime on Palestinians. There is only one word for this: Apartheid. Omar Baddar, Institute for Middle East Understanding (IMEU), Oct 14, 2020 Omar […]

  • Madison365 staff, Sep 1, 2022 The YWCA Madison’s Racial Justice Summit will take place Sept. 28-30. Organizers are inviting the community to practice “Weaving Our Pasts, Present and Emergent Futures […]

  • 🚨ACTION ALERT🚨 Next Thursday, September 8th at 5pm at the Seattle Google campus (1000 Mercer Street Google office) join us as we stand in solidarity with Amazon and Google tech […]

  • In a terrible irony, the campaign against “anti-semitism” has become a threat to freedom Peter Beinart, New York Times, August 26, 2022 Over the past 18 months, America’s most prominent […]

  • Daniel Levy, President of the U.S./Middle East Project Meeting of the United Nations Security Council, Thursday, August 25, 2022 “The Situation in the Middle East Including the Palestinian Question” I […]

  • National Nurses United, August 09, 2022 National Nurses United (NNU) mourns the loss of life over the weekend in the besieged Gaza Strip area of Palestine due to Israeli airstrikes […]

  • Join the Movement of Jews, Orgs, and Politicians Pledging to #DropAIPAC AIPAC endorsed 109 insurrectionist Republicans and spent $25 million to defeat candidates supporting Palestinian rights and progressive causes. Their […]

  • Company says passenger impersonated government official, pressuring rookie driver to force workers off Palestinian laborers ride a bus en route to the West Bank from working in Tel Aviv area, […]

  • Dear Friend, We hope you are making plans to join us in mid-August at our virtual Advocacy Summit: Accountability Matters. This summit is in three parts and during the first […]

  • ICYMI—Human rights activists confronted leaders at #AWSsummit to demand an end to @Amazon's surveillance empire—which enables state violence at home and abroad and powers Israeli apartheid. Take action: — […]

  • Madison activists gathered July 16 on the Campus Drive Overpass to show support for Palestine following Biden’s visit there. Biden declared himself a Zionist during his visit, and Israeli warplanes […]

  • B’Tselem welcomes President Biden with billboard campaign B’Tselem, 13 July 2022 Israeli human rights group B’Tselem put up billboards and digital screens in the West Bank cities of Bethlehem and […]

  • The US will never be on the right side of history, so long as it supports Israeli apartheid President Biden’s visit to Israel and Palestine has been predictably disappointing, offering […]

  • Webinar: July 14 at 2 PM CT via ZOOM Register   On the eve of Roger Waters Montreal’s Bell Centre performance, the rock legend will be supporting McGill students who’ve […]

  • Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC), July 8, 2022 Today our movement celebrates 17 years. On this anniversary of the 2005 call from the largest Palestinian coalition to boycott, divest from, […]

  • Demand the Reinstatement of the Wall + Response Exhibit Now! After four months of planning, the San Francisco Public Library (SFPL) decided to cancel a mural exhibition because of its […]

  • Israeli Jewish extremists marching through the Old City of Jerusalem to celebrate its occupation and colonization, on 29 May 2022. (Mustafa Bader, ZUMA Press Wire) Tamara Nassar, The Electronic Intifada, […]

  • Jeff Halper, ICAHD, May 29, 2022 Today, Sunday, May 29, the Jewish state of Israel will carry out a government-sponsored pogrom on the Palestinian residents of Jerusalem. “Jerusalem Day,” the […]

  • Heartbreak to happiness: the difference is YOU! I invite you to join a 30-minute Zoom Briefing with your Congressperson or Senator’s office to safeguard 14 Palestinian Massafer Yatta communities in Firing Zone […]

  • AJP Action calls on Secretary Blinken to demand Israel end the disparate treatment of American travelers as a non-negotiable condition in the bilateral relations between the two countries. The United […]

  • Americans for Justice in Palestine Action (AJP Action) firmly condemns Israel’s plans to ethnically cleanse the city of Masafer Yatta in the West Bank. We call on Congress to demand […]

  • The decision was released on the eve of Independence Day, when the Jews celebrate the founding of the State of Israel and Palestinians grieve for the loss of their homeland […]

  • Israel’s top court rejects the petition against the expulsion of Palestinian residents from villages in the West Bank. A demonstrator holding a Palestinian flag gestures as he stands next to […]

  • It only took 20 years

    It only took 20 years… — Christian Henderson (@CjvHenderson) April 29, 2022 The Harvard Crimson is the daily student newspaper of Harvard University.

  • Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI), April 13, 2022 Take action to thank Dua Lipa for standing up for Palestinian rights and urge her, as […]

  • Read B’Tselem’s full paper on boycotting military courts Dear Friends, It’s a show the Israeli regime has been staging for years, by now casting thousands of Palestinians in it against […]

  • Just Vision’s new documentary, Boycott, will have its Wisconsin Premiere at the Milwaukee Film Festival on Monday, April 25 at 5:45pm. Boycott follows the stories of a news publisher, an […]

  • [ngg src=”galleries” ids=”22″ display=”basic_slideshow”] Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) at UW-Madison will be displaying a Mock Apartheid Wall for Justice for Palestine Week. Time: 3-7 pm Location: Langdon Street […]

  • Coulee Region Coalition for Palestinian Rights 7 pm – 8:15 pm Central Join a Zoom panel discussion of the recent Amnesty International report, “Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians: Cruel System of […]

  • Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI), April 6, 2022 PUMA enacted swift measures to hold Russia accountable for its illegal weeks-long military invasion of Ukraine. Yet […]

  • As Americans Muslims for Palestine commemorates Land Day on March 30th, we concurrently remember the brave and resilient people of Gaza’s Great March of Return, and their defiance amidst the […]

  • Alon-Lee Green with Hadash MKs Dov Khenin and Ayman Odeh on October 9, 2015 “Jews and Arabs stand together against the escalation, together for peace.” Zuzu Cafe 1336 Drake St, […]

  • Israeli warplanes attacked hundreds of towers and civilian ‘targets’ in the Gaza Strip. (Photo: Mahmoud Ajjour, The Palestine Chronicle) Ilan Pappe, The Palestine Chronicle, March 4, 2022 The USA Today […]

  • Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC) Webinar March 26th at 9AM CDT / 5PM Palestine Daylight Time Join us for the 2022 Global Rally Against Israeli Apartheid! On this day, we […]

  • WORT 89.9FM Madison · Buzz – 3-16-22 – Attala Madison Rafah Sister City Project, WORT 89.9 FM, March 16, 2022 “Holding Israel Accountable” is the theme of the Rachel Corrie […]


    THE GOVERNMENT OF ISRAEL’S SYSTEM OF OPPRESSION AGAINST PALESTINIANS Photo by HAZEM BADER/AFP via Getty Images Amnesty International’s new research report, Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians: Cruel System of Domination and […]