The Madison-Rafah Sister City Project

Tag: nonviolence

  • Gaza Summer School!

    This summer, we’re turning up the heat to demand an end to the genocide in Gaza and to Free Palestine! It’s time to educate, agitate, and mobilize our communities like […]

  • The Occupation of the American Mind and My Neighborhood   Central Library, 201 W. Mifflin Street, Room 302 5:30 pm social time 6:00 pm screenings Discussion following the films. Free popcorn. RSVP […]

  • How the politics of memory in Europe obscures what we see in Israel and Gaza today   How two definitions of antisemitsm differ Masha Gessen, December 9, 2023 “In 1948, […]

  • Free Sami Huraini

    Started January 10, 2021 Petition to United Nations Secretary General António Guterres and UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’ Why this petition matters Started by Palestine Partners Palestinian human […]

  • We just won a defamation case against a major Israeli newspaper! We made Israel Hayom retract its lies! This is a rare success of holding Israeli tabloids accountable for their […]

  • A Madison Peace Walk on July 15. Peng Her gave a marvelous talk about Laos and the Vietnam War. Friday evening, August 26 Yahara Place Park [Map] 6:00 pm Walk […]

  • “In the absence of such evidence, we will continue our cooperation and strong support for the civil society in the occupied Palestinian Territories” Joint Statement by the Foreign Ministries of […]

  • Growing up, I was told over and over: “You need to take responsibility for Israel. It’s your responsibility as a Jew.” Now, I would say: “It’s unconscionable what’s happening in […]

  • On Sunday, we saw Jewish supremacists march through the streets of Jerusalem, shouting racist chants like “Death to the Arabs” and “May your village burn.” We saw protesters spit on […]

  • Ali Velshi, MSNBC, Jan. 22, 2022 Al Haj Suleiman al-Hathaleen was a shepherd in the West Bank and a well-known anti-occupation activist. Suleiman was a small man with no weapons. […]

  • Black and Palestinian Perspectives on the Power of Education and Action via Zoom Who: Dr. Ronda Taylor Bullock, Co-Founder and Executive Director of we are (working to extend anti-racist education), […]

  • A remarkable, nonviolent struggle against settlement expansion in East Jerusalem Watch the full movie online • More on Just Vision and My Neighbourhood Mohammed El Kurd is a Palestinian boy […]

  • Addameer, July 13, 2021 On 12 July 2021, following several communications submitted to the Israeli Prison Service (IPS) for the temporary humanitarian release of Palestinian political prisoner Khalida Jarrar to attend her […]

  • Free Sami Huraini

    Palestine Partners started this petition to United Nations Secretary General António Guterres and UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’. Palestinian human rights activist Sami Huraini was arrested by […]

  • Operation Dove, January 29, 2020 Tubas, Jordan Valley — Today in response to the “Deal of the Century” Palestinians gathered for an action in the Jordan Valley during which they […]

  • Sister Cities

    Invest in Justice by Building Genuine Connections Image via Sacramento to Bethlehem Cities for Palestine by the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights WHAT’S THE CAMPAIGN ABOUT? Invest in justice by […]

  • A Palestinian activist sticks a sign bearing the Palestinian name of Ein Albeida spring over an Israeli street sign with the name Avigail Spring, south of the village of Yatta […]

  • Israeli activist Jonathan Pollack pens a powerful Op-Ed in Haaretz on his arrest, putting into context his act of solidarity with Palestinians who face altogether different circumstances than his own. […]

  • Dr. James J. Zogby, August 17, 2019 Back in May, a jury found Patrick Syring, a former State Department official, guilty of 14 counts of making threats against my life […]

  • Demonstrators protest New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s McCarthyite executive order requiring state agencies to divest from organizations that support the Palestinian call to boycott companies profiting from, or cultural or […]

  • Edo Konrad, +972, March 4, 2019 Osama Iliwat was supposed to speak to synagogues, churches, and universities across the United States about the power of nonviolence and bringing an end […]

  • An Antiwar Story from the Embattled Middle East He is a rarity in his own land, one of only a handful of refuseniks living in Israel. “Let us fight together […]

  • On Wisconsin Public Television’s Women, War & Peace Tuesday, March 26 8:00 pm on WPT 26-1 Wednesday, March 27 2:00 am on WPT 26-1 Sunday, April 14 9:00 pm on […]

  • South Hebron Hills Update

    Expulsion by a thousand cuts Dear Friends, The last weeks have been busy and challenging in the South Hebron Hills. Young Palestinians, with international and Israeli peace activists, have planted […]

  • ‘No to Apartheid’

    Palestinians block Israel’s new ‘Apartheid Road’ Yumna Patel, Mondoweiss, January 23, 2019 Over a dozen Palestinian activists, along with Israeli and international supporters, blockaded the entrance to Israel’s new ‘Apartheid […]

  • I see the parallels with Israel It took an international effort to end institutionalised racism in my country – now it must happen again, for the Palestinian people Relatives of […]

  • Palestinian demonstrators on a sand plateau during clashes with Israeli forces last Friday east of Gaza City. Residents of Gaza are mounting a series of protests called the Great Return […]

  • Pacifica Radio Letters and Politics, 02.14.18 Listen  Download  Open in iTunes Today, Mitch Jeserich is in conversation with Sunaina Maira, Professor of Asian American Studies at the University of California, Davis, and […]

  • Brian Hauss, Staff Attorney, ACLU Speech, Privacy, and Technology Project, November 30, 2017   Ryan Rodrick Beiler/Shutterstock Kansas officials are scheduled to appear in court tomorrow to defend a state […]

  • Israeli security forces and Palestinian protesters confront each other in Jerusalem’s Old City on Dec. 15, 2017. Glenn Greenwald, The Intercept, January 31 2018 A federal judge on Tuesday ruled […]

  • Dear Friend, Last Thursday, the New Orleans City Council unanimously passed a historic human rights resolution! The resolution, developed by the New Orleans Palestinian Solidarity Committee (NOPSC), calls on the […]

  • Iyad Burnat interview by the Jersey Palestine Solidarity Campaign (JPSC)   Dear Friends, Many of you know Palestinian activist Iyad Burnat, co-founder and President of the grassroots organization, Friends of […]

  • Israel’s Strategic Affairs Ministry had for months refused to divulge the list Blacklisted American organizations: ■ American Friends Service Committee ■ American Muslims for Palestine ■ CodePINK ■ Jewish Voice […]

  • This is how Israel marked Human Rights Day. Please call the following (ask for the foreign policy aide) to intervene on behalf of Abdul Khalik Burnat with the U.S. State […]

  • Creative Solutions to the Israel-Palestine Conflict Dr. Johan Galtung Professor and Founder of Transcend International Livestream from The Palestine Center Washington, DC 11:00 pm – 1:00 pm CST Nobel Peace […]

  •   Anderson Auditorium Predolin Center Edgewood College 1000 Edgewood College Dr Madison, WI 7:00 PM “Trillions for the Military: Will That Make Us Secure?” Kathy Kelly, Voices for Creative Nonviolence […]

  • The Sumud Freedom Tour

    This is our moment of unity, of coalition building Holy Land Trust Mission Holy Land Trust and Nonviolence International have partnered to develop a multilayered tour of peace and justice […]

  • April 21, 2017 WORT 89.9 FM A Public Affair: Juan Cole On The Middle East 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Listen to the program Professor Juan Cole will be Esty […]

  • 206 Ingraham Hall UW-Madison [Map] 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. UW Middle East Studies Program presents Nadav Shelef (Professor, department of Political Science, UW-Madison) speaking on “The impact of UN recognition […]

  • It Won’t Stop Until We Talk A Parents Circle Family Forum Presentation Sunday, October 23 Two families – one Jewish Israeli, one Palestinian Christian – have lost a close family […]

  • Fida Qishta, who visited us in Madison in 2014 and 2015 to show her powerful first film Where Should the Birds Fly, has been in film school in California. She […]

  • Rabbi Brant Rosen, Shalom Rav, July 17, 2016 This past Friday, I had the honor to participate in an incredible, unprecedented mass action of civil disobedience in the H2 section […]

  • Women’s Boat to Gaza, July 20, 2016 Gaza has been under Israeli blockade for the past decade during which Israel has also launched countless attacks against the besieged population, turning […]

  • Next we meet Hani Amer, whose farm lay on the route of the infamous wall. After a long struggle, Amer won the right to have his house and some of […]

  • Palestinian BDS National Committee, July 7, 2016 Palestinian campaigners have launched popular boycott campaigns across the West Bank in recent months The Palestinian-led, global Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement […]

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  • AIPAC and their right-wing allies are coming for our right to boycott — and they’re trying to legitimize illegal settlements at the same time. Tell your Representative to stand for […]

  • As anti-BDS forces are trying to get various levels of government to “outlaw” BDS, it appears that some corporations are getting the message. Landmark boycott victory as G4S says it […]


  • Joy First, Voices for Creative Nonviolence, August 26, 2015 Voices for Creative Nonviolence engaged with a number of Wisconsin peace groups to organize an 8-day 90-mile walk across southwest Wisconsin […]