The Madison-Rafah Sister City Project

Aug 26, 2022
Madison Peace Walk: Lisa Masri on Palestine

A Madison Peace Walk on July 15. Peng Her gave a marvelous talk about Laos and the Vietnam War.

    Friday evening, August 26
    Yahara Place Park [Map]
    6:00 pm
    Walk following to Tenney Park

Lisa Masri is going to speak about her 14 years of accompaniment work in Palestine.

Before coming to Madison Lisa lived in Palestine for 14 years, doing education and nonviolent accompaniment work with Project Hope and the Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme. Her peace work there was with youth, adults, and international volunteers in the West Bank, and included being an international presence in hot spots and teaching English, French, drama, and circus arts. Lisa will share about her work and answer your questions.

Madison Peace Walks is a small group of activists who have been doing weekly Peace Walks for Ukraine and the World. Details are posted each week here. Our speakers have experience related to US military involvement in other parts of the world. We have planned 3 special events in August as part of Madison Peace Walks for Ukraine and the World. Can you join us? Check here for updates.

    Other Peace Walk Events:
    Sunday, Aug 7 – Lanterns for Peace
    Friday, Aug 19 at 6 pm – Special speaker Zubeir Haroun

August 7 – Lanterns for Peace. We’ll peace walk to this family friendly event to commemorate the lives lost in the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings 77 years ago and make sure that such nuclear attacks never again take place. Details here from Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR).

August 19 – Zubeir Haroun on Libya. Zubeir was born in Tripoli, Libya and lived there until 2007. He will explain the situation in Libya after the so-called Arab spring, a rare event in which Libyans could have had a chance for prosperity but instead it slipped into a nightmare and chaos. He’ll talk about the negative role of NATO, and how the US could have helped better. He’ll present a brief history of Libya, the formation of Libya, and how we got here. Zubeir recently moved with his family to Madison and they have participated in Madison Peace Walks.

World Beyond War put on an amazing international conference this month called NoWar2022 Resistance & Regeneration. Here are the recordings of all the conference sessions. We watched one of the sessions at our peace walk on July 8 – Ukrainian pacifist Yurii Sheliazhenko. Lots of great peace work from all around the world!





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