The Madison-Rafah Sister City Project

Tag: home demolition

  • Al Jazeera English, Jul 16, 2024 What if every aspect of your life was under someone else’s control? This is the reality for millions of Palestinians who say Israel’s occupation […]

  • Report on Israel’s Crimes and Violations of Palestinians’ Rights in the West Bank in June 2024 During the reporting period, the Israeli Occupying Forces (IOF) and Israeli settlers continue their […]

  • May 14, 2024 Online Premiere, June 6-27, 2024 “Where Olive Trees Weep” offers a searing window into the struggles and resilience of the Palestinian people under Israeli occupation. Following Palestinian […]

  • Final Straw, Jan 28, 2024 This week, we’re featuring a conversation with Mohammad Hureini (twitter / instagram), a young activist from Masafer Yatta, an area in the hills south of […]

  • Meanwhile in the West Bank

    The past days have been horrific for the residents of Majaz, one of the villages in Masafer Yatta, and inside the area claimed by Israel as firing zone 918. Israeli […]

  • HUMANS OF MASAFER YATTA AUG 11, 2023 “Saleh Awad, this is my name. I live in the village of Wadadah, in the South Hebron Hills, with eleven members of my […]

  • Masafer Yatta Update


  • $2,000 of $2,000 on 7/27/23

  • In recent years, our team at Local Call and our partners at +972 Magazinehave been reporting from ground zero in Masafer Yatta — a community of over 1,000 Palestinians living […]

  • We are getting closer to our goal of providing emergency housing to one family in the Masafer Yatta area of the South Hebron Hills. The need is urgent; since we […]

  • Just days ago, Israelis demolished several Palestinian shops in the old Hebron vegetable market. These are shops that were forced closed by military order for security reasons — reasons that […]

  • The direct violence of the occupation is obvious, but what are the subtle ways in which apartheid seeps into Palestinian life? Ameera Al-Rajabi, Community Peacemaker Teams, April 11, 2023 The […]

  • MRSCP has decided to join in an emergency campaign sponsored by Middle East Children’s Alliance (MECA) and Stop the Wall Coalition to provide emergency shelter and schools for the families […]

  • WORT 89.9FM Madison 2023-03-17 WORT 89.9FM Madison · 20 years later: Remembering Rachel Corrie Twenty years ago today, on March 16, 2003, word came to us that our daughter Rachel […]

  • Cassandra Auren, an American peace activist, was visiting the Palestinian village of Tuba when settlers attacked her with a bat and fractured her skull. Yuval Abraham, +972 Magazine, March 13, […]

  • WORT 89.9FM Madison 2023-03-12 WORT 89.9FM Madison · The Heartbreak and Defiance of Occupation At a 1979 meeting of Israel’s “Ministerial Committee for Settlement Matters in the Judea and Samaria […]

  • Sunday, March 12: WORT interview with Masafer Yatta Activist Thursday, March 16: Cindy and Craig Corrie on WORT Thursday, March 16: Tantura Film and Discussion   On Sunday March 12 […]

  • Rafah Home Construction

    Rafah Home Construction 2/27/23 Phase 1: $3,080 • Goal: $3,080 Phase 2: $3,555 • Goal: $3,555 Phase 3: $3,429 • Goal: $3,429

  • Palestine is on fire. Since yesterday night, Palestinian villages of Huwara, Burin, Asira Qabliya, Beita, Beit Furiq and Za’atara in South Nablus district have been under full attack by Israeli […]

  • Occupied Jerusalem, 2/18/2023 On 6 February 2023, the Israeli occupation’s high court rejected a request from the Ghaith-Sub Laban family to appeal an eviction order issued in March 2022 in […]

  • Harun was born into, paralyzed, and killed by Israel’s colonial system. The struggle to dismantle it begins in the cave where he spent his final years. Harun Abu Aram in […]

  • How Palestinians in Masafer Yatta are resisting Israel’s expulsion attempts Qassam Muaddi, The New Arab, 10 February 2023 In May 2022, the Israeli supreme court ended a 20-year-long legal battle […]

  • Monday, January 9th 11:00 am Central Join us for an urgent Instagram live! Tune in to learn how you can stand in solidarity with Palestinian people as they defend Masafer […]

  • The Israeli government is demolishing homes, schools, farms, water infrastructure, and other basic necessities in Masafer Yatta. This blatant violation of international law is unconscionable, escalating tensions and making peace […]

  • Dear Friends of MRSCP, We hope you will consider contributing to our year-end fundraising drive to renovate and repair a family home located in the Tal al Sultan neighborhood of […]

  • What are we – anti-colonial Israelis, Jews of conscience and international supporters of Palestinian rights – going to do about it? Jeff Halper, ICAHD, 16 December 2022 Benjamin Netanyahu, due […]

  • December 24, 2022 In this time of Hanukkah, while Jews celebrate the miracle of the oil that lasted 8 days, the Palestinian village of Sfai in the desert of Masafer […]

  • Sometimes there is a moment of hope.  Please join me this Thursday at 4:30 pm CT to hear how we are redefining development housing in Gaza starting with 20 homes […]

  • The people of Masafer Yatta are using ancestors’ caves to resist Israel’s home demolitions Members of Palestinian Masafer Yatta communities determined to remain on their land despite Israeli forced evictions, […]

  • Dr. James J. Zogby, Arab American Institute, October 17, 2022 During the past month Israel has held 800 Palestinians under administrative detention orders, expelled several Palestinians from East Jerusalem, seized […]

  • In this time of crisis, I invite you to an Emergency Zoom Forum with the UN: Conditions on the Ground in the West Bank Sunday, October 16th, at 1pm CT […]

  • Stop the Wall, 26 September 2022 A whole village with over 90 residents is at the brink of being ethnically cleansed. The Israeli Supreme Court set September 29 as the […]

  • Thanks to those who attended our webinar “On the Ground Jewish Solidarity with Palestinian Resistance in Masafer Yatta” with Peter Beinart, Awdah Hathaleen, Nur Zahor, and Zack Witus. If you […]

  • #DefendMasaferYatta

    USCPR, 9/19/22 Israel is carrying out the largest mass expulsion of Palestinian people from their rightful homes in 55 years. The Israeli govt is violently forcing out 1,300 Palestinian people […]

  • BREAKING: Hafez Huraini, 52, was arrested by Israeli soldiers after he was brutally attacked by settlers who broke his arm and disabled his ambulance in the village of Tuwani. He […]

  • Please join us — in person or online — for a special evening. I am honored to tell you that Lina Abu Akleh, niece of journalist Shireen Abu Akleh, will […]

  • Murals that are part of the public art project ‘I Witness Silwan’ depicting the eyes of local and international figures, including George Floyd, a Black American killed by police, top […]

  • Daniel Levy, President of the U.S./Middle East Project Meeting of the United Nations Security Council, Thursday, August 25, 2022 “The Situation in the Middle East Including the Palestinian Question” I […]

  • United for Justice Across Palestine: Defund Israel’s Bombs, Blockade, and Bulldozers Featuring Walaa Sabah from We Are Not Numbers, Sahar Francis from Addameer, and Palestinian journalist Mariam Barghouti. Moderated by […]

  • Occupation forces carried out the demolition of homes and agricultural facilities Alliance for Human Rights, Facebook, July 20, 2022 From the early morning hours occupation forces carried out a demolition […]

  • Ayman Mohyeldin, MSNBC, Jul 15, 2022 On his first Middle East trip as president, Joe Biden began by visiting Israel, a country he’s been to 10 times since he was […]

  • World View, July 10, 2022 Gil Halsted interviews Sami Huraini of the Youth of Sumud on the devastating Israeli occupation of Masafer Yatta in the south Hebron Hills. Israel has […]

  • Growing up, I was told over and over: “You need to take responsibility for Israel. It’s your responsibility as a Jew.” Now, I would say: “It’s unconscionable what’s happening in […]

  • Please join the #nowaytotreatachild campaign co-leaders from Defense for Children International – Palestine and American Friends Service Committee for a webinar on June 14 at 8 p.m. Eastern / 5 […]

  • Save Masafer Yatta, 5 May 2020 Update: Israel’s High Court of Justice dismissed all the petitions against the forcible transfer of up to 1,200 Palestinians in a large part of Masafer Yatta […]

  • Jeff Halper, ICAHD, May 29, 2022 Today, Sunday, May 29, the Jewish state of Israel will carry out a government-sponsored pogrom on the Palestinian residents of Jerusalem. “Jerusalem Day,” the […]

  • Americans for Justice in Palestine Action (AJP Action) firmly condemns Israel’s plans to ethnically cleanse the city of Masafer Yatta in the West Bank. We call on Congress to demand […]

  • Israel’s top court rejects the petition against the expulsion of Palestinian residents from villages in the West Bank. A demonstrator holding a Palestinian flag gestures as he stands next to […]

  • Presented by the Israeli Committee Against Home Demolitions (ICAHD) and Mondoweiss. 12 noon Central Register Here Bob Herbst is a civil rights lawyer, co-chair of the ICAHD-USA board, and a […]

  • A Call to the Environmental Justice Movement Sign the Pledge NDN Collective Israel violently forces Indigenous Palestinians out of their homes and off their land, and harms the environment in […]