The Madison-Rafah Sister City Project

Year: 2003

  • Al-Awda, 5 December 2003 The Geneva Accord was signed Monday, December 1, 2003, amid great media and political fanfare. The 50-page document lays out a plan for a presumed “peace […]

  • The killing fields of Rafah

    Gideon Levy, Haaretz, Nov 30, 2003    Quietly, far from the public eye, Israeli soldiers continue killing Palestinians. Hardly a day goes by without casualties, some innocent civilians, and the […]

  • David Grogan, American Booksellers Association, Nov 12, 2003 On Thursday, November 6, Madison, Wisconsin’s Rainbow Bookstore Cooperative and a local newsweekly were able to convince Madison Area Technical College (MATC) […]

  • Israeli chainsaw massacre

    Palestinian farmers seek protection against settlers The Globe and Mail, 12 November 2003 Einabus, West Bank – Men with chainsaws turned Fawzi Hussein’s olive into a wasteland overnight – 255 […]

  • Israeli Roulette

    Uri Avnery, CounterPunch, November 7, 2003 In the Six-Day War, hundreds of Israeli soldiers were murdered while storming the Sinai desert, the West Bank and the Golan heights. In the […]

  • AFP, 04 Nov 2003 BRUSSELS (AFP) – The European Union scrambled to contain the fallout from a public opinion poll that — to Israel’s fury — labelled the Jewish state […]

  • World Food Programme Report, 28 October 2003 . . . Christiane Berthiaume of the World Food Programme said that she had been in the occupied Palestinian territories last week. The […]

  • Settlers Attack Rabbis

    Rabbis for Human Rights delegation physically attacked by settlers while documenting cut trees Rabbis for Human Rights, 27 Oct 2003 This morning a RHR delegation was attacked by settlers while […]

  • October 25, 2003 Thank you for your continuous support and committment towards Rafah City and Rafah People.   From the start of the Intifadah, Rafah has suffered more than any […]

  • “My People are American. My Time is Today.” Lenni Brenner, CounterPunch, October 24, 2003 A friend once got a bit of a reputation by pointing out that “you don’t need […]

  • Saturday, Nov 8, 2003 4:45-6:45 pm Red Gym Media Room Campus Information and Visitor Center 617 Langdon St UW-Madison This pivotal video exposes how the foreign policy interests of American […]

  • Al Mezan Center for Human Rights, Reference: 45/2003, October 16, 2003   At 11:30pm Wednesday 15 October 2003, the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) attacked the Al Nakhla (Brazil) neighborhood in […]

  • Amira Hass Thursday, October 30, 2003 Morgridge Auditorium, UW-Madison Grainger Hall 7:30 pm Amira Hass covers Palestinian affairs for the Israeli daily Ha’aretz. She is the only Israeli journalist who […]

  • (Photo: Rafah Today, 2003) Laura Gordon, The Electronic Intifada, 14 Oct 2003 Then the streets started screaming and we were running almost without thinking, down the edges of the street […]

  • Reference: 43/2003 Date: October 13, 2003 Al Mezan Center For Human Rights On Monday 12 October 2003 Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) redeployed their forces around the town and refugee camp […]

  • Al Mezan Center for Human Rights, October 12, 2003   In the early morning hours of Monday 13 October 2003, the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) withdrew from the refugee camp […]

  • Allen Ruff, Palestine-Israel Peace and Justice Alliance (PIPAJA), 12 Oct 2003 Amira Hass, the author of the article below, will be appearing in Madison on October 30th as the second […]

  • Laura Gordon, The Electronic Intifada, 10 October 2003 9 October 2003 — This Yom Kippur (October 6th), the most holy day on the Jewish calendar, the day of atonement in […]

  • NONVIOLENCE EVENT WEEKEND How to Spread Nonviolence, Globally and Locally September 19-21, 2003 Hosted by Edgewood College, Madison, WI Madison-Rafah Sister City Project is looking for volunteers to help staff […]

  • Graffiti in Gaza. (Ronald de Hommel) Steve Niva, The Electronic Intifada, 2 September 2003 Palestinian suicide bombings are vicious and grave abuses, clearly war crimes under international law for intentionally […]

  • The Palestine Monitor, 2 Sep 2003 Aya Fayad was one little girl out of one million eighty-five thousand Palestinian children, who should be having their first day back at school […]

  • South Central Federation of Labor Meeting Monday, September 15 7 pm Madison Labor Temple, 1602 S. Park St. Contact: Ron Blascoe, c/o RafahSisterCity at Multicultural Student Coalition Meeting Tuesday, […]

  • Tale of boy’s life in West Bank prompts pressure groups to call for withdrawal Fiachra Gibbons, The Guardian, August 23, 2003 Jewish pressure groups are calling on a publisher to […]

  • MG&E Innovation Center, 505 S. Rosa Rd., Madison 7:00pm This is a meeting to gear up for our fall plans, which are extensive and growing. SUMMARY OF MRSCP STATUS (Please […]

  • Fragments of Rafah

    An iron wall on the right, a line of rubble from destroyed homes on the left, one of many toxic untreated human waste in the foreground are all that remains […]

  • Gush Shalom, August 20, 2003 The horrifying suicide bombing in Jerusalem, in which dozens of innocent civians were killed and wounded, deserves to be condemned in the sharpest terms. We […]

  • Jewish Peace News, 10 Aug 2003 [Israel’s new citizenship law, passed recently by a wide margin in the Knesset, denies any Palestinian who is married to an Israeli citizen the […]

  • Mohammed Omer, Rafah Today, 8 Aug 2003 Everyone in Palestine tastes the Occupation crimes, this occupation which wasn’t kind to children, women, old men, old women, and youth also, every […]

  • Israel’s crackdown on international peace activists raises grave concerns. Muna Hamzeh, Al-Ahram Weekly, 29 May – 4 June 2003 At a time when world attention is focussed on the Israeli […]