The Madison-Rafah Sister City Project


September 19, 2024

  • The possibility of further Israeli annexation of occupied territories has received legitimacy from the Israeli government, pushing even further into the abyss the slight possibility of a two-state solution. The…

  • This is a new group in the LaCrosse area that is becoming more active on Palestinian issues. Please consider signing and circulating this petition. COULEE REGION COALITION FOR PALESTINIAN RIGHTS,…

  • BDS impact in 2019

    Mahmoud Nawajaa, The anti-Palestinian Trump Administration and Boris Johnson government are more than ever directly engaged in Israel’s desperate war of repression on advocacy for Palestinian rights and the…

  • Netanyahu’s Real Crimes

    Dr. James J. Zogby, Arab American Institute, NOVEMBER 23, 2019 After years of investigation and months of delay, Israel’s Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit formally indicted Benjamin Netanyahu for crimes ranging…

  •   November 18, 2019 Washington, D.C. | | November 18, 2019 – Moments ago Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced that the Trump Administration will no longer view Israeli settlements as against international…

  • Octogenarian Israeli activist and four foreigners injured when assailants arrived with crowbars and went on to burn hundreds of trees Rabbis for Human Rights activist Moshe Yehudai, who the NGO…

  • Democracy Now!, SEPTEMBER 12, 2019 GUESTS Noura Erakat Palestinian human rights attorney and an assistant professor at Rutgers University. Phyllis Bennis fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies and a…

  • A Palestinian man waters goats and sheep in the Jordan Valley, West Bank, August 21, 2019. (MOHAMAD TOROKMAN – REUTERS) Gideon Levy, If Americans Knew, September 12, 2019 There’s no…

  • Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez won the Democratic primary in New York’s 14th congressional district [Rothman’s/Facebook] The Middle East Monitor, April 18, 2019 US Congresswoman, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, has proposed the US cut military…

  • Hebron Freedom Fund [pdf-embedder url=”” title=”hebron newsletter”]

  • Diala Shamas and Ziad Alwan, The Activist Files, Episode 16 Did you know that in Palestine, Israeli settlers and companies profit off of stolen land? That’s what our Advocacy Director Nadia…

  • At Har Gilo, a Jewish settlement overlooking the southern West Bank, American college students get a history lesson. (Ilia Yefimovich for The New York Times) David M. Halbfinger, The New…

  • Israeli Forces Kill 3 Palestinian Civilians in Nablus and Bethlehem and Wound Another Ref: 44/2019, 21 March 2019 In two separate crimes of killing in cold blood, the Israeli forces…

  • Online from the Palestine Center Washington, DC 12 noon – 1 pm Central Time Listen live “Gaza is eviscerated. Apartheid is entrenched in the West Bank. Inside official Israel, the…

  • American nonprofits have funneled money to Meir Kahane’s followers, who now have a chance to enter the Knesset Benzion Gopstein (left), leader of the far-right Israeli group Lehava, gathers with…

  • Ahmad Al-Bazz and Anne Paq, Mondoweiss, February 11, 2019 Anne Paq presented Intimate Portraits of Gaza’s Lost at the 2017 Madison-Rafah Rachel Corrie Commemoration. Based on the #ObliteratedFamilies project by…

  • South Hebron Hills Update

    Expulsion by a thousand cuts Dear Friends, The last weeks have been busy and challenging in the South Hebron Hills. Young Palestinians, with international and Israeli peace activists, have planted…

  • Israel’s right-wing government has remained silent, wary of alienating settlers in an election year The funeral last Sunday for Hamdy Naasan, who was killed in a melee involving Jewish settlers.…

  • DIGITAL TOURISM AND ISRAEL’S ILLEGAL SETTLEMENTS IN THE OCCUPIED PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES Allowing some properties and attractions to be listed as being in “Israel”, as Airbnb,, Expedia and TripAdvisor do,…

  • CodePINK, November 19, 2018 This is a huge victory! Moments ago, Airbnb announced they will no longer list vacation rentals in illegal Jewish-only West Bank settlements. It’s been exactly two…