The Madison-Rafah Sister City Project


September 20, 2024

  • Donating to Apartheid

    If the donor states now finance the upgrading of Palestinian roads, they will be providing the Palestinians with temporary relief. But they will be direct accessories in consolidating a uniquely…

  • And the twins died

    Gideon Levy, Haaretz, 1/9/04 The twin girls died one after the other. The first to die was the one who was born first, at the checkpoint. Several hours later came…

  • Sharon must be stopped

    Mustafa Barghouthi, Palestine Monitor, December 2003 Last week, Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon declared that if the Palestinians did not soon take significant steps to curb “violence”, he would begin…

  • Israeli chainsaw massacre

    Palestinian farmers seek protection against settlers The Globe and Mail, 12 November 2003 Einabus, West Bank – Men with chainsaws turned Fawzi Hussein’s olive into a wasteland overnight – 255…

  • Israeli Roulette

    Uri Avnery, CounterPunch, November 7, 2003 In the Six-Day War, hundreds of Israeli soldiers were murdered while storming the Sinai desert, the West Bank and the Golan heights. In the…

  • Settlers Attack Rabbis

    Rabbis for Human Rights delegation physically attacked by settlers while documenting cut trees Rabbis for Human Rights, 27 Oct 2003 This morning a RHR delegation was attacked by settlers while…

  • Tale of boy’s life in West Bank prompts pressure groups to call for withdrawal Fiachra Gibbons, The Guardian, August 23, 2003 Jewish pressure groups are calling on a publisher to…