The Madison-Rafah Sister City Project


September 20, 2024

  • Jimmy Carter’s Roadmap

    NORMAN FINKELSTEIN, CounterPunch, NOVEMBER 13, 2006 The historical chapters of Palestine Peace Not Apartheid are rather thin, filled with errors small and large, as well as tendentious and untenable interpretations.…

  • GEORGE ARIDA,, Dec 9, 2005 Despite appearances to the contrary, Ariel Sharon is one of the true constants of Israeli politics. Although he remains uncompromising in his ideology and…

  • Al Jazeera, August 26, 2005 The Palestinian economy has deteriorated sharply since the start of the uprising in 2000, and Israel’s separation barrier in the West Bank will depress it…

  • Jobless in Gaza

    Mehammed Mack, L.A. Weekly, August 25, 2005 A somber note for many Gazans witnessing the Israeli pullout was the prospect of losing jobs. Al-Jazeera profiled the closure of one of…

  • For the sake of about half a percent of the population of the Gaza Strip, a Jewish half-percent, the lives of the remaining 99.5 percent were totally disrupted and destroyed…

  • Gaza Fiasco

    The Shame of it All Jennifer Loewenstein, ZNet, August 19, 2005 A great charade is taking place in front of the world media in the Gaza Strip. It is the…

  • The Shame of It All

    Jennifer Loewenstein, CounterPunch, August 17, 2005 A great charade is taking place in front of the world media in the Gaza Strip. It is the staged evacuation of 8000 Jewish…

  • Amira Hass, Haaretz, 14 Aug 2005 Today is Omar’s last day of work for his employer in one of the religious settlements of Gush Katif. He will finish what he…

  • August “Washington Wednesday” Action Alert Start Date: August 10, 2005 End Date: To be determined BACKGROUND Israel is scheduled to begin in mid-August a unilateral “disengagement” from the Palestinian Gaza…

  • The International Crisis Group, REPORT No. 44 / MIDDLE EAST & NORTH AFRICA, 2 AUGUST 2005 While the world focuses on Gaza, the future of Israeli-Palestinian relations in fact may…

  • Gideon Levy, Haaretz, July 10, 2005 Here he is – the survivor. His head and arms bandaged, his cheek gashed, his right ear deaf. In pain, weak, exhausted, scared, stunned,…

  • Two weeks later, I was at the Aaskar refugee camp, near Nablus. That day, the government decided to destroy a series of terrorists’ homes in order to “deter suicide bombers.”…

  • Amira Hass, Haaretz, July 6, 2005 The hunting season is at its height, and the settlers are the prey. They have become a target for criticism in the media to…

  • 2005 United Church of Christ Synod Tear Down the Wall – Resolution of Witness Submitted by: Wider Church Ministries THEOLOGICAL RATIONALE For he is our peace; in his flesh he…

  • Israel must understand that the liberation of the Israeli people depends on the liberation of the Palestinian people Occupation Magazine, June 28, 2005 Translated from Hebrew by Daniel Breslau Summary:…

  • US hypocrisy is not new but Condi Rice has taken it beyond chutzpah Avi Shlaim, The Guardian, 21 June 2005 Condoleezza Rice hailed the understanding between Israel and the Palestinian…

  • US hypocrisy is not new but Condi Rice has taken it beyond chutzpah The Guardian, 21 June 2005 Condoleezza Rice hailed the understanding between Israel and the Palestinian Authority on…

  • Mohammed Omer, Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, May/June 2005 THEY BREATHE the same air, drink the same water, are covered by the same blue sky, yet the extremists among…

  • Shamai Leibowitz, The Electronic Intifada, 24 March 2005 The assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri has led to an explosion of “people power” in the streets of Beirut,…

  • B.J. Paschal, Fort Wayne News-Sentinel, December 1, 2004 DOES AN AMERICAN religious denomination such as the Presbyterian Church have the right to divest an $8 billion portfolio from Israel? Apparently…