The Madison-Rafah Sister City Project

#StandWithThe6: Israel’s Criminalization of Palestinian Human Rights Organizations

On 19 October 2021, Israel’s Minister of Defense signed an executive order further criminalizing and outlawing 6 prominent Palestinian human rights organizations.

The 6 targeted organisations are:
Addameer for Prisoner Support – Read their statement
Al-Haq Organization – Read their statement
Bisan Center for Research and Development
Defense for Children International-Palestine – Read their statement
The Union of Agricultural Work Committees
The Union of Palestinian Women’s Committee

Israel’s intentional targeting of these organizations aims to silence them as they are successfully challenging Israel’s apartheid regime and impunity. It is an attempt to isolate Palestinian civil society from international support and solidarity.

Our team at Rābet has created a quick debrief video to explain the situation:

Join the 6 organizations, their allies and friends in speaking up and #StandWithThe6 during a Day of Action this Thursday, 28 October. We need to uplift their demands:

  • Your government should pressure Israel to rescind this decision
  • Your government should stop contributing to Israel’s impunity

We hope you will join us to defend human right organizations, activists and researchers in their fight for justice for our people and for oppressed people everywhere.

In solidarity,

Mayss Al Alami
Digital Communication Manager
The Palestine Institute for Public Diplomacy






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