The Madison-Rafah Sister City Project

Update: October 16, 2021
Palestinian Olive Oil and Crafts Sidewalk Sale

Saturday, Oct 16, 10 am – 4 pm
1924 East Dayton Street, Madison [Map]

Off First Street between East Washington and East Johnson
(Rain date: Sunday October 17 at 317 Rethke Ave, 11 am – 3 pm)

Palestine Partners and Playgrounds for Palestine will hold a fall Sidewalk Sale to celebrate the olive harvest. Handmade Palestinian crafts from Women in Hebron Fair Trade Cooperative and Olive Oil, Soap and spices from Playgrounds for Palestine.

Beautifully embroidered bags, purses, scarves and pillow covers, handmade earrings and other beautiful crafts from Women in Hebron Fair Trade Cooperative in the West Bank. Palestinian-made Kuffiyas, the beautiful traditional shawls of Palestine, in an amazing array of colors, made in Palestine’s one surviving Kuffiya factory in Al Khalil (Hebron). Fair Trade Olive Oil from small farms in Palestine, Olive Oil Soap, and Zatar spice, all from Playgrounds for Palestine.

Hosted by Palestine Partners and Playgrounds for Palestine.

Stand with Palestine Yard Signs will be available for purchase. Celebrate the olive harvest! Please come out and support Palestinian artisans and farmers and their communities as they struggle to the health and economic impacts of COVID and a recent increase in settler aggression throughout the West Bank.

You can also shop online for crafts and yard signs at Palestine Partners and for Oil at Playgrounds for Palestine.

Note: Please wear a mask to the sale in order to protect others. Disposable masks and hand sanitizer available.





One response to “Update: October 16, 2021
Palestinian Olive Oil and Crafts Sidewalk Sale”

  1. admin

    Hi all,
    The sale went well 🙂 The weather was great and it was busy all day 🙂 We did well with Women in Hebron crafts, yard signs, and Visit Palestine posters beautifully matted. Playgrounds for Palestine’s sales were successful also, and several people ordered online when we ran out of some items. There was zero negativity and our hosts say we can do a repeat next year.
    The Cap Times listed it in their “What To Do on the Weekend“ section and a lot of people said they saw it on Facebook and the neighborhood site Next Door. Our hosts put out signs on the corners and I think that helped.
    It was a good long day 🙂 Thanks all who helped !!

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