The Madison-Rafah Sister City Project

Oct 16, 2024: Challenging US Weapons Transfers to Israel . . .

. . . Increasing Humanitarian Aid to Gaza, and Stopping a Wider Regional War

This webinar by Massachusetts Peace Action and others features:

Max Hoffman, Senior Foreign Policy Advisor, Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT). Senator Sanders is the main sponsor of the Joint Resolutions of Disapproval (JRD) on the proposed  $20 billion+ US weapons transfers to Israel, with an unprecedented vote upcoming in November. A fact sheet on the JRDs is here.

Staff from the office of US Representative Andre Carson (D-IN)  (invited) Rep. Carson is the main sponsor, along with over 70 House co-sponsors, of the UNRWA Emergency Restoration Act, to restore US humanitarian funding for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees.

Myriam Sabbaghi, Organizing Director, National Iranian-American Council (NIAC) In addition to issues noted above, Myriam Sabbaghi will speak to the dangerous situation in the region, and the urgent need for diplomacy to stop a wider war. 

Please join by registering here, and invite friends, family and colleagues as well.





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