The Madison-Rafah Sister City Project

November 20, 2023
Preserving Palestine Under Settler Colonialism


11 am CT
In support of our colleagues in Palestine, in support of the Palestinian people, and in support of justice for all people, Librarians & Archivists with Palestine (LAP) is honoured to present this roundtable featuring expert librarians, archivists and scholars, Dr. Mazna Qato, Dr. Rami Zurayk, Blair Kuntz, and Tam Rayan, to discuss the urgent need to Preserve Palestine.

Sponsored by the Middle East Librarians Association, this educational event serves as a call to information professionals to take action to protect and safeguard Palestinian cultural heritage institutions and knowledge repositories, including libraries, archives and museums, in defence of Palestinian life, land, and liberation.

Speakers will provide examples and case studies illustrating the impact of a century of theft, plunder, and destruction of Palestinian heritage, libraries, and archives under British and Israeli settler colonialism, as well as the myriad Palestinian social and grassroots efforts to counter this epistemic violence and colonial erasure.






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