The Madison-Rafah Sister City Project

May 31, 2024: Gaza and the West Bank on WORT


Noon CT
WORT 89.9 FM
Live or archived

We will have two guests this Friday at noon CT on WORT, 89.9 FM’s A Public Affair. First is Robert Schoville, a Madison native best known in Madison as the founder of the Brazilian percussion group The Handphibians. He has spent the last five years living on the Aegean coast of Turkey and will discuss life under Erdogan, attitudes towards Gaza/Israel, the role of the country in the Middle East and the world and more.

Second is Laila Hasan who is visiting the US on a tour from Hebron. She will talk about life in the West Bank under constant threat by settlers and soldiers, the embroidery collective she has founded and the cultural role of this 3000 year old art and tradition, the lives of the women who have made the items she has brought with her, and the impact of 76 years of Israeli occupation on Palestinian women and their families. Hasan will be in Madison on 6/9 and participate in an afternoon event. 

Esty Dinur





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