The Madison-Rafah Sister City Project

May 26 – June 25, 2017
Feed Families in Gaza This Ramadan

From our friend Anees in Rafah: Donate to send food packages to needy families. The project has raised more than half of its $5,000 goal; please help them over the top in this Ramadan Challenge.

Hello from Gaza

Ramadan is just a few weeks away – and we need your help to provide support and care to those most in need. The conditions in Gaza grow worse every day, with unemployment now sitting at 43%. For many, there is nowhere to work and no-one to help them.

مرحبا من غزة

باقي لشهر رمضان أسابيع قليلة، ونحنبحاجة لمساعدتكم لتوفير الدعم والرعاية لأولئك الذين هم في أمس الحاجة إليها، معالعلم بأن الظروف الاقتصادية والاجتماعية في قطاع غزة تزداد سواء يوما بعد يوم.حيث تبلغ نسبة البطالة 43% ولا يوجد من يهتم في العائلات الفقير بالشكل المطلوب.

With your help we have raised money for three years’ worth of incredible projects, you can see the impact and positive difference we have made in Gaza through the links we’ve shared below. But as the occupation cuts off a large amount of traditional funding to NGOs we are left with little choice but to run crowdfunding campaigns to help with the most basic needs.

خلال السنوات الماضية قمنا بتنفيذالعديد من الأنشطة الفنية والثقافية التي تهتم بالطفل، ومن خلال الروابط أسفلالصفحة يمكنكم الإطلاع على صور الأنشطة خلال المرحلة الماضية. وبما أن الوضع صعب وسيءبواسطة هذا الاحتلال الغاشم وحصاره المفروض على غزة إلا أننا نعمل جاهدين من خلالالقيام بهذه الحملات لمساعدة أطفالنا.

How You Can Help Feed Palestinian Families 

With your help we will distribute food packages to some of the families most at-risk in Rafah throughout Ramadan, our city at the southern edge of Gaza.

What Is In a Food Package?

Your support will allow us to provide food packages to feed Palestinian families by providing them with basic food items – one food package contains items such as beans, vegetables, tomatoes, potatoes, cabbage, green beans, onions and essentials like flour, rice, sugar and tea during Ramadan.

If you can’t spare any money now, you can also help by spreading the word.

Our Previous Projects in Gaza

The siege of Gaza is strangling us slowly and we rely on the generosity of our online friends. If you haven’t seen our work before, please do click on the links below. We are a small, dedicated team of volunteers that work primarily with at-risk children. Work we cannot do without your help.

1. Gaza Summer Camp 2015:
2. Our Right To Play:
3. Our Health In Our Hands.


4. We Deserve A better Life.
5. Psychological Support works shop.
6. City Of Peace:


7. Field Trips.
8. Gaza Summer Camp2



Thank You Updates

We document all our projects carefully and send updates to our friends via email every ten days. We’re always available on Facebook or email for any more information you need and will keep you updated.

We only kindly ask that you not share the photos on social media out of respect for the families’ privacy and safety (we have their permission to use the above).

Thank You and Ramadan Kareem!

نحن نوثق جميع أنشطتنا ومشاريعنابعناية ونرسل تقاريرنا الإخبارية إلى أصدقائنا عبر البريد الإلكتروني كل عشرةأيام. كما ونحن موجودين دائما على صفحة التواصل الاجتماعي الفيس بوك أو البريدالإلكتروني للحصول على مزيد من المعلومات بامكانكم مراسلتنا..

الصور لهذه الحملة غير مسموح بنشرها علىوسائل الاعلام الاجتماعية احتراما منا لخصوصية الأسر وكرامتها.

رمضان كريم


For details or to make a donation, visit: Ramadan Challenge


