The Ride for Palestine on July 21 was a great success, with about 50 riders and others helping the Madison Team blow past our $3000 goal for a total of over $7,000! A special thanks to our co-sponsors Jewish Voice for Peace-Madison and Palestine Partners.
MECA has raised $280,000 of their $300,000 goal for the ride in Berkeley and around the country. The fundraiser will remain open until the end of August, so if you would like to contribute and help them reach their goal, you can do so here.
July 21, 2024

And much more at Bike For Palestine!

JOIN US at Tenney Park Pavilion 11am-2pm, July 21st, whether riding or not, for a Family Fun Event: Live Music, Kiddo bike decorating, Paper kite crafts, Temporary Palestine Tattoo Table, refreshments, and of course – Community! There will be sales tables with beautiful Palestinian Crafts.
Madison-Rafah Sister City Project, Palestine Partners and Madison Jewish Voice for Peace invite you to join us on the Madison Team for this annual fundraising bike ride.
This is a family-friendly flat ride using Madison bike paths for a casually-paced, eight-mile roundtrip route with a refreshment break. We’ll assemble at the Tenney Park Pavilion on the east side beginning at 10:30 am, with push off at 11 am, refreshment break at Olin Park, and return to Tenney by about 12:15 pm. Other activities will continue at Tenney throughout. Rain or shine, but will be canceled if it becomes thunder & lightning.
Advance registration by June 30 assures you a ride T-shirt and helps us meet our financial goals, but it’s not required to participate. You can support the ride team even if you can’t ride!
Whether you are riding or not this will be a fun family event with activities at Tenney including live music, kiddo and adult bike decorating, paper kite crafts and temporary watermelon and Palestine flag tattoos. Refreshments will be served and there will be sales tables with Palestinian crafts, kuffiyehs, yard signs, olive oil soap and zaatar.
We Hope to See You All There! Thank you for your ongoing support!
- Info and registration
- Questions? Email
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