The Madison-Rafah Sister City Project

Gaza Ceasefire Vigil & March on the Republican National Convention

Saturday, July 13 – Vigil for Ceasefire in Gaza at Farmers Market

Join us and the Interfaith Peace Working Group as we gather for the third time this summer in an action featuring a display of shoes and a reading of Gazan victims’ names. Please let us know if you’d like to help read names or set up or take down the exhibit, at Both the visual and the audio are powerful representations of the suffering. Some people are moved to tears by the vigil. Please note that, because of the Art Fair on the Square, this Saturday, July 13, the Farmers’ Market will be at Breese Stevens Field. Our vigil will be outside the stadium, in Reynolds Park, at the intersection of E Mifflin and N Paterson. Stop by for any time or the entire time as you can. 

Monday, July 15 – March on the RNC

Next Monday, July 15, let’s join CODEPINK to march on the 2024 Republican National Convention in Milwaukee. 10:00 am start. RSVP here. Drop us a line at for carpooling from Madison.





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