The Madison-Rafah Sister City Project

Israel Begins Ground Invasion of Lebanon 

Take Action: Tell White House, Elected Officials that the U.S. has allowed Israel to destroy region – this must end.  

Washington, D.C. | | September 30, 2024 – Moments ago, Israel started its anticipated ground invasion of Lebanon, formally opening a new front in its war of aggression against the entire region. It is perfectly clear what Israel’s goal is – the forcible expansion of Israeli territory to include Lebanon. This adds to Israel’s current occupations in Palestine and the Golan Heights in Syria.  

Israel’s unlawful, genocidal actions endanger the lives of all in the region. There is no doubt that at this very moment Israel is the most dangerous threat to regional stability. What we are seeing in Lebanon is the intended result of a US foreign policy doctrine that is predicated on destabilization and colonization. 

Abed Ayoub, ADC National Executive Director says, “The Biden-Harris Administration has fully committed to the destruction of Arab lives, intentionally refusing to take any action that would stop Israel from expanding the genocide outside of Palestine, and into neighboring sovereign nations. As we have been saying, it is becoming abundantly clear that what is happening isn’t a failure of U.S. foreign policy, rather it is the intended outcome of U.S. foreign policy.” 

All of Israel’s war crimes and aggressions are being done with the express consent, approval, and coordination from the United States. When Jake Sullivan, an unelected White House staffer, can personally intervene and successfully prevent any mention of the massive Lebanese death toll in President Biden’s statements, it sends a clear message of how little this Administration values Arab life.

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American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC)
910 17th Street NW, Suite 1000
Washington, DC 20006
United States 

(202) 244-2990 |





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