The Madison-Rafah Sister City Project

Urgent Call to Defend Khallet ad-Dabe’ from Destruction

Stop the Wall, 26 September 2022

A whole village with over 90 residents is at the brink of being ethnically cleansed. The Israeli Supreme Court set September 29 as the date the demolition of Khallet Ad- Dabe’ can begin. The demolition orders include all homes and most livelihood structures in the village. 

If no action is taken to thwart Israeli demolition plans,
a whole village will be ethnically cleansed. 

Your action is crucial now!

Khallet ad-Dabe’ is one of the eight Palestinian villages in Masafer Yatta that apartheid Israel has classfied as a firing zone for its occupation forces. 20 Palestinian villages in the area have been struggling against ethnic cleansing policies for more than 40 years. 

The demolition of Khallet ad-Dabe’ village is part of a huge and systematic effort to deprive Palestinians of their lands in order to cement Jewish dominance over Masafer Yatta. If implemented, it would be Israel’s largest ethnic cleansing since 1968. 

In order to expel the indigenous Palestinian population, Israel destroys homes and schools, confiscates the land and steals natural resources as it expands illegal settlements and persecutes human rights defenders and residents.

Palestinians in Khallet Ad-Dabe’ are armed with hope, popular resistance, and local and international support. Their steadfastness on the ground is the fundamental element to protect their existence on their ancestral land. 

People struggle every day to reach their lands, jobs or schools. They are subjected to attacks by settlers and the military, beatings, abuse and murder. Families are fighting to defend their right to exist. 

What is happening in Masafer Yatta is the result of the failure of world powers to act to end Israel’s impunity, hold those responsible for Israeli apartheid, occupation and settler-colonialism accountable and ensure respect of International Law and Palestinian human rights.

Here is what you can do to defend Khallet ad-Dabe’:

  1. Join us on Wednesday September 28 on social media! On our website, twitter, facebook and instagram you will find posts to share. Here below can download graphics, info and messaging to share and raise awareness on the imminent destruction of Khallet ad-Dabe’ on social media. Use the hashtag #DefendMasaferYatta and #UNinvestigateApartheid.
  2. Write to your government’s foreign ministry and diplomatic missions and ask them to urgently take all actions at their disposal to stop the ethnic cleansing of Khallet ad-Dabe’ and Masafer Yatta. Find a model letter below.
  3. Mobilize support from human rights organizations, political parties, members of parliament, trade unions, church, and other civil society groups, asking them to help you put pressure on your government to stop the demolition of Khallet ad-Dabe’, #DefendMasaferYatta and impose sanctions on Israel to #DismantleApartheid.
  4. Build BDS campaigns to pressure the bulldozer companies to stop profiting from and enabling Israeli demolitions. 

Model letter to your government or diplomatic mission:

To: [….]

Subject: A request for urgent action to defend the Palestinian village Khallet ad-Dabe’ from Israeli demolition

A whole village with over 90 residents is at the brink of being ethnically cleansed by Israel. On September 9, the Israeli Supreme Court set September 29 as the date the demolition of Khallet Ad- Dabe’ , occupied West Bank, can begin. The demolition orders include all homes and most livelihood structures in the village. 

If no action is taken to thwart Israeli demolition plans, a whole village will be ethnically cleansed. 

Khallet ad-Dabe’ is one of the eight Palestinian villages in Masafer Yatta that apartheid Israel has classfied as a firing zone for its occupation forces. 20 Palestinian villages in the area have been struggling against ethnic cleansing policies for more than 40 years. 

The demolition of Khallet ad-Dabe’ village is part of a huge and systematic effort to deprive Palestinians of their lands in order to cement Jewish dominance over Masafer Yatta. If implemented, it would be Israel’s largest ethnic cleansing since 1968. 

In order to expel the indigenous Palestinian population, Israel destroys homes and schools, confiscates the land and steals natural resources as it expands illegal settlements and persecutes human rights defenders and residents.

What is happening in Masafer Yatta is the result of the failure of world powers to live up to their obligations under international law and to act to end Israel’s impunity, hold those responsible for Israeli apartheid, occupation and settler-colonialism accountable and ensure respect of international law and Palestinian human rights.

I urge you to: 

  1. Urgently take all actions at your disposal to stop the ethnic cleansing of Khallet ad-Dabe’ and Masafer Yatta.
  2. Publicly condemn Israel for its policy of persecution and its policies of apartheid and ethnic cleansing as implemented currently in Khallet ad-Dabe’ and Masafer Yatta. 
  3. In view of the flagrant and systematic violations of human rights by Israel, suspend arms trade and military security cooperation with Israel, ban all trade with Israeli illegal settlements and ensure that companies refrain from or end their business with Israel’s illegal settlement industry in the West Bank and East Jerusalem and ensure that individuals and corporate agents responsible for war crimes and crimes against humanity in the context of Israel’s illegal occupation and apartheid regime are brought to justice.

Social Media toolkit

Tweet suggestions

Tweet #1: 

A whole village, Khallet ad-Dabe’, with over 90 residents is at the brink of being ethnically cleansed.

I call on [tag your MEP/foreign minister/secretary of state] to hold Israel accountable and demand: #DefendMasaferYatta #EndEthnicCleansing #UNinvestigateApartheid

Tweet #2:

The imminent destruction of Khallet ad-Dabe’ is part of apartheid Israel’s ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from their land. World powers have to end Israel’s impunity & ensure respect for International Law and Palestinian human rights.


Tweet #3: 

Israel’s policies in Masafer Yatta amount to the crime against humanity of apartheid. Israel’s brutal occupation prevents international peace. @UN is obliged to investigate & dismantle Israeli apartheid.

#UNInvestigateApartheid #DefendMasaferYatta

Tweet #4:

The destruction of Khallet Ad-Dabe’ is a fundamental part of the ethnic cleansing campaign led by the Israeli apartheid – its government & settler organizations – to impose Jewish dominance over the area.

ACT NOW and #DefendMasaferyatta

Tweet #5: 

Defend Khallet Ad-Dabe’ in Maafer Yatta from ethnic cleansing! On ٍSeptember 9 Israel’s Supreme Court upheld the demolition orders for the entire village. First demolitions may start tomorrow….


 #EndEthnicCleansing #DefendMasaferYatta

Tweet #6:

The world’s failure to impose effective sanctions condones the demolition of Khallet ad-Dabe’ & Israel’s ethnic cleansing policies.I call on [tag your MEP/foreign minister] to hold Israel accountable and demand:

#EndEthnicCleansing #UNinvestigateApartheid

Tweet #7:

In Khallet ad-Dabe’ and across Palestine, Israel violates international law by imposing inhumane apartheid and ethnic cleansing practices on Indigenous Palestinians to expel them from their ancestral land. 

#DefendMasaferYatta #UNinvestigateApartheid

Tweet #8: 

Khallet Ad-Dabe’, in #DefendMasaferYatta, is to be demolished any time.

It is only one of hundreds of Palestinian villages Israel has demolished since it built its colonial regime on +500 destroyed Palestinian cities & villages.

Not one more! ACT NOW!

Tweet #9: 

Bulldozer companies @JCBmachines, @VolvoGroup, @HyundaiHeavyInd, @CaterpillarInc make huge profits from Israel’s destruction of Palestinian villages, like Khallet ad-Dabe’, in #DefendMasaferYatta.

#EndEthnicCleansing and hold accomplices accountable!





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