The Madison-Rafah Sister City Project

April 22, 2020
Gaza in Context Webinar

Register for this Webinar Here

This webinar is part of a series of virtual events to raise funds for the Let’s Get Free 2020 Program. We are requesting a donation to join the webinar, from $0 – $50. Additional donations are welcome! Can’t attend? Donations are always welcome: DONATE HERE

Eyewitness Palestine & the March for Racial Justice are excited to host

    Learning For our Liberation:
    Gaza in Context’s Lessons for Today’s Struggles for Justice
    April 22nd – 6pm EST – Zoom Webinar
    Featuring Noura Erakat
    Human Rights Attorney, Activist, Scholar and the Film’s Co-director and Writer
    Participants of the Let’s Get Free Program

Gaza in Context
"Israel’s deliberate fragmentation of the Palestinian people and their land for the past 70 years has also fragmented the Palestinian narrative and struggle for rights. This is just one reason why it is vital that efforts to stop and reverse Israel’s colonization project adopt a holistic framework of analysis.Gaza in Context does just that: It zeroes in on Israel’s repeated assaults against the besieged strip but then broadens out to show how Israel’s attacks on Gaza are part of a consistent plan against the entire Palestinian people, a plan that from day one has sought to minimize the number of Palestinians in historic Palestine and maximize the number of Israeli Jews. The 20-minute film and accompanying educational materials succinctly provide the missing context in so many accounts of the conflict. It is an excellent entry point for the many thousands who are beginning to support Palestinian rights and an important refresher for others that have been involved in the movement for longer. Spread the word!"
~ Nadia Hijab, Executive Director, Al-Shabaka: The Palestinian Policy Network
Learn more about Gaza in Context

Let’s Get Free Program
For Black youth growing up in D.C. today, the natural disaster of COVID-19 is layered right on top of a human-created disaster for Black people. The system tries to stop Black youth from thriving at every step: mass development displaces Black families, lack of medical facilities denies Black youth care, transportation gaps separate their communities from economic opportunity, and the criminal legal system pushes children straight from schools to prisons.

Through a delegation to Palestine in 2020 with Eyewitness Palestine, Black D.C. youth will have the opportunity to learn and identify methods and practices from the people of Palestine who are engaged in a daily fight for their survival. Having the chance to witness the beautiful, determined strength and love of a people suffering from White Supremacy/Settler Colonialism will change the lives of these youth forever and create clarity on the existing systems designed to destroy any resemblance of self-determination and liberation and most importantly, develop tactics to fight back against these systems.
Learn more about the Let’s Get Free Program

Register for this Webinar Here

This webinar is part of a series of virtual events to raise funds for the Let’s Get Free 2020 Program. We are requesting a donation to join the webinar, from $0 – $50. Additional donations are welcome! Can’t attend? Donations are always welcome: DONATE HERE


