The Madison-Rafah Sister City Project

Year: 2004

  • Some may wield an old financial tool – divestment – to register concern about peace prospects Jane Lampman, The Christian Science Monitor, DECEMBER 6, 2004 A vote by the Presbyterian […]

  • B.J. Paschal, Fort Wayne News-Sentinel, December 1, 2004 DOES AN AMERICAN religious denomination such as the Presbyterian Church have the right to divest an $8 billion portfolio from Israel? Apparently […]

  • First Unitarian Church University Bay Drive 7:00 pm We will be hosting a program with two of the five high school “refuseniks” from Israel, Noam Bahat and Shimri Zameret, recently […]

  • UW-Madison Humanities, Rm 3650 7:00 pm The Fourth World War will have its Madison premiere hosted by producers/directors Rick Rowley and Jacqueline Soohen. MRSCP is one of the co-sponsors of […]

  • PERSONAL VIEWS British Medical Journal, October 16, 2004 Does the death of an Arab weigh the same as that of a US or Israeli citizen? The Israeli army, with utter […]

  • Israeli troops who killed a Palestinian schoolgirl in the Gaza Strip have come under investigation for riddling her with bullets Al Jazeera, 11 Oct 2004 Rights groups say the Israeli […]

  • Donating to Apartheid

    If the donor states now finance the upgrading of Palestinian roads, they will be providing the Palestinians with temporary relief. But they will be direct accessories in consolidating a uniquely […]

  • Hilarity from Gaza

    9/8/2004 Dear Jennifer, I hope you are fine. I was reading the news on haaretz daily today when I encountered the following text: ‘The army’s presence around the southern town […]

  • BRINGING THE OCCUPATION OF IRAQ AND PALESTINE TO MADISON On September 20th and 24th, the Madison Area Peace Coalition and Madison-Rafah Sister City Project host the Wheels of Justice Tour. […]

  • 8/19/2004 Here’s a message from a friend in Gaza. It talks about life in Rafah, Gaza City, working at the NGO Al Mezan. A true terrorist Palestinian with no other […]

  • ICB sculpture The Segregation Wall, 09-Nov-03   Memorial United Church of Christ 5705 W. Lacy Rd Fitchburg 7:00 pm Rev. Dr. Mitri Raheb, Pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in […]

  • Back in Ramallah

    Andrea Becker, 04 July 2004 Relatively easy somehow: went through Israeli security ‘lite’: no body massages, or bag checks, and treated my security interrogator to a discussion of Jabotinsky, prompting […]

  • A leading UN official has warned US manufacturer Caterpillar that it may be complicit in human rights violations in the West Bank and Gaza Thousands of Palestinians have had homes […]

  • 11 June 2004 Friends, I have just returned from a trip to Lebanon and Syria leading a group of 18 people to meet with the Palestinian Refugees in both countries.  […]

  • 6/6/2004 Friends,   Last week probably set a record for demonstrations in Israel against the occupation — a result not only of the 37th “anniversary” of the occupation, which we […]

  • The Crossing 1127 University Avenue (University and Charter) 7:00 pm The Mosaic Communities group is presenting two speakers, one Jewish and one Palestinian, and both members of the Israeli Committee […]

  • Paris, 22 May 2004 We, European citizens from ten European countries gathered in Paris for a meeting of the organisation European Jews for a Just Peace, condemn in the strongest […]

  • Mazin Qumsiyeh, 5/9/2004 Here is something to inspire you. Read this. It will help you believe your efforts are all worth it. — Jennifer Loewenstein The UN General Assembly passed […]

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  • Please check out this site for the latest news on Rafah: The Madison chapter of Al-Awda (Palestine Right to Return Coaliton) is hosting a silent march on Tuesday, May […]

  • May 20, 2004 Attached is the Rafah Update Volume 5. The situation is worsenning so fast in Rafah. IOF invaded new areas in the southeast of the town — Tel […]

  • Amira Hass, Haaretz, 5/20/04   RAFAH — Suddenly there was a shout from outside: “Leave everything. The Jews have fired missiles at the demonstration. Lots of casualties. Send ambulances.” The […]

  • May 18, 2004 Friends, We need your help. There is an emergency situation right now in the Gaza Strip and the town of Rafah, in particular, with scenes that bring […]

  • 18 May 2004 Dear Madam/Sir, I write to you today with the high hopes that your consistent support to the Palestinian People and commitment to the peace process as the […]

  • Julie McCarthy, NPR, May 16, 2004 Israelis gather for a peace march to urge a pullout from the Gaza Strip. The demonstration follows a week of violence during which more […]

  • Gil Halsted, Wisconsin Public Radio Monday May 10, 2004 (EAU CLAIRE) New Homeland Security rules may prevent a Palestinian Fulbright Scholar from completing his research at UW-Eau Claire. Mohammed Riffi, […]

  • Date: Sun, 25 Apr 2004 19:30:43 +0200 From: “Gila Svirsky” ( Subject: Anarchy in our souls To: “Gila Svirsky” ( Friends, I just spoke to Molly Malekar on her way […]

  • Gila Svirsky, www.coalitionofwomen4peace.org4/21/2004 Dear Alice, You were signature number 2,750 on the petition “Open the Gates to Allow Food into Gaza”, and you added after your name, “This won’t do […]

  • STOP CATERPILLAR CAMPAIGN — PROTEST IN PEORIA APRIL 23 — BUS INFO BELOW, April 20, 2004 The “Stop CAT” Coalition invites you to join us in standing up for […]

  • Grainger Hall Morgridge Auditorium UW-Madison 7:00 pm Situated midway between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, Neve Shalom/Wahat al-Salam is a village established jointly by Jews and Palestinians, all of Israeli citizenship, […]

  • Immanuel Lutheran Church 1021 Spaight Street, Madison 1:00 – 3:30 pm: East High School students 4:00 – 6:00 pm: Benefit Perennial Plant Sale 6:30 – 9:30 pm: Main Program and […]

  • The Crossing 1127 University Ave., Madison 7:00 pm Muli Linder, an Israeli refusenik who is touring the United States as part of the Courage to Refuse movement, will speak to […]

  • UNRWA Press Release 1 April 2004 UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East Headquarters Gaza website: Press Release No. HQ/G/06/2004 The United Nations Relief […]

  • Tanya Reinhart, Yediot Ahronot, 31 March 2004 — An extensive discussion has already taken place in Israel regarding the cost-benefit ratio of [Hamas leader Ahmad] Yassin’s assassination. But the question […]

  • William R. Polk, March 28, 2004    Before a few days ago, few people in the West had ever heard of Shaikh Ahmad Yasin, but among Muslim Arabs he had […]

  • Victory of Brutality

    Gideon Levy, Haaretz, Mar 14, 2004 A new species of officer is achieving greatness in the Israel Defense Forces. These people did most of their service as occupation officers, and […]

  • Tuesday, March 9 The Crossing 1127 University Avenue (University and Charter) 7:00 pm Wednesday, March 10 Grainger Hall Morgridge Auditorium (University and Park) 7:00 pm The Madison-Rafah Sister City Project […]

  • Sharon is not the Problem

    Ghadi Karmi, CounterPunch, February 20, 2004 The Sharon government is widely regarded, even by Israel’s friends, as a negative force in the current politics of the Middle East. Its brutal […]

  • Jennifer Loewenstein, The Electronic Intifada, 17 February 2004 Pictured, Maha, the wife of Ibrahim Aoda Abu Shatat, sits together with baby Zyad in her house during shooting at 3:30 AM. […]

  • They’re all women, all Israeli and every day they go to West Bank checkpoints to try to stop soldiers harassing Palestinians. Linda Grant went with them. Linda Grant, The Guardian, […]

  • Gabriel Ash, The Electronic Intifada, 27 January 2004 Israeli historian Benny Morris crossed a new line of shame when he put his academic credentials and respectability in the service of […]

  • Rana El-Khatib, Arizona Republic, January 25, 2004 “Israel good!” were the last words my husband and I heard as we left the final checkpoint within Erez, the border crossing maintained […]

  • Ali Abunimah, The Electronic Intifada, 24 January 2004 Sunset over the Jordan Valley, looking west towards Occupied Jerusalem from Mahis, Jordan (Photo: Ali Abunimah) When does the banishment of an […]

  • Chris McGreal, The Guardian, 19 January 2004 Abu Dis — Fatina Zen stayed until the end, peering down her street through the lashing rain as towering concrete slabs were slotted […]

  • The entire border of Gaza is surrounded by heavily-patrolled walls and fences. A network of Israeli checkpoints tightly controls movement in and out of the Strip, and between population areas […]

  • I found these items side-by-side today. The first account of the event is from AP wire services. This is what would be picked up by the Capital Times or State […]

  • This article states that the accused shooter of Tom Hurndall has also been charged with smoking pot on duty. For another report of marijuana use by Israeli Occupation Forces, see […]

  • And the twins died

    Gideon Levy, Haaretz, 1/9/04 The twin girls died one after the other. The first to die was the one who was born first, at the checkpoint. Several hours later came […]

  • The hope of Shatila

    The Geneva accord won’t bring peace because it signs away the rights of Palestinian refugees Karma Nabulsi, The Guardian, 7 January 2004 This year is the 250th anniversary of Jean-Jacques […]

  • Sharon must be stopped

    Mustafa Barghouthi, Palestine Monitor, December 2003 Last week, Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon declared that if the Palestinians did not soon take significant steps to curb “violence”, he would begin […]