The Madison-Rafah Sister City Project

January 27 – February 24, 2008
Film Series: The Sorrows of Palestine

All showings will be 7 pm at Escape Java Joint, 916 Williamson Street, Madison

January 27: The Occupation Understood
“Occupation 101” (2006)
As 2008 begins — anniversary year of the 1948 “Al Nakba” — the Madison-Rafah Sister City Project presents a winter film series. Join us this Sunday evening, January 27, for a showing of the new film “Occupation 101.” Made at considerable personal sacrifice by two brothers, Sufyan and Abdallah Omeish, this 60-minute 2006 film has won at least eight major film festival awards. It provides an excellent, comprehensive historical summary and analysis of the Israeli occupation. Discussion will follow: What is the nature of the occupation? What does it mean for current proposed “one-state solutions”? Can there be an end to the Israeli occupation? Is real peace possible? What can we, in Madison and the U.S, do to work for peace in this part of the Middle East?

February 10: The Wall — Final Borders of Apartheid?
“The Israeli Wall in Palestinian Lands” (2004)
“Building the Wall at Abu Dis” (2006)
“Endless Checkpoints” (2006)
These three shorter films will analyze the wall, chronicle its construction at an important point in East Jerusalem, and provide visual testimony on the impact of the checkpoints on Palestinian life.

February 24: The Worst of All: Gaza Strip and Rafah
“Gaza Strip” (2002)
“International Solidarity Movement (ISM) Rafah” (2006)
The Gaza Strip, and our sister city Rafah on the border with Egypt, have suffered almost unimaginably and in every way, with the Palestinian struggle for survival there largely ignored by the Western media.


