The Madison-Rafah Sister City Project

Update: Watch Israelism Online


Dear Israelism Supporters, 

We are delighted to let you know that Israelism can now be rented or bought on all major video on demand platforms. Click the buttons below to watch Israelism on each respective platform.

Also, because of all of your support, Israelism is now #1 on Apple TV’s Documentary Chart

We are overwhelmed and honored that so many people are connecting with our film, and please tell your family and friends to rent or buy now, especially on Apple TV, so we can get to the top of their other charts and increase the number of eyes on our film and our message. 

Watch our promo video about our digital release above, and thank you again for your support and encouragement. 

In Solidarity,
The Israelism Team

June 3, 2024


Dear Israelism Supporters,

We’re so happy to let you know that you can pre-order Israelism for purchase right now on Apple TV, and for rental and purchase on Vimeo.



You’ll be able to watch Israelism starting on June 7 on Apple TV, Amazon Prime Video, Google Play, and Vimeo with both rental and purchase options on all services.

Thank you so much for your support over these past months and years, and we’re honored our film is becoming so much more accessible. Watch our social media pages for updates shortly, and please spread the word about the pre-order link and the June 7 Video on Demand Date on all platforms. 

In Solidarity, 
The Israelism team

If it’s within your means to donate to help us keep Israelism going, donate here.

In Solidarity, 
The Israelism Team





10 responses to “Update: Watch Israelism Online”

  1. Dov

    I also cannot find a way to watch it that doesn’t cost $250, will it be available streaming at some point?

    1. Admin

      We streamed this free at home. At the Tikkun Olam/Kinema link:

      click “Create Screening Event” in the left sidebar, choose “In-Person”, and “Continue”.

      Tikkun Olam says free individual screenings are available until Dec 31, 2024.

      1. Anya

        We’d love to stream for free if it’s still possible! When I go through those steps at that link it costs $250.

        1. Admin

          Sorry, my mistake. The free home screening we watched must have been the virtual option, “No longer available.”

  2. John P Walsh

    i got to see a portion of this film at a Palestine teach in event but when I tried to pay for a subscription to actionfilms and kine (both places the film is advertised) I have come to find that it is un available. Is this the choice of the filmmaker or is the exposure of this film being suppressed? what does a person have to do to see it?

    1. Admin

      The Tikkun Olam/Kinema link above,

      says individual screenings are available until Dec 31, 2024. Click “Create Screening Event” in the left sidebar, choose “In-Person”, and “Continue”.

    2. Admin

      Sorry, my mistake. The free home screening we watched must have been the virtual option, “No longer available.”

  3. celia ann owens

    I am trying to screen this for a small movie group tomorrow (5/8/24) and it says “Watch ‘Israelism’ for free”, but I am having trouble finding the way to do that.
    We cannot pay $250 fee. I have been recommending this film to people, without realizing it is difficult to navigate a way to see it.

    1. Admin

      The Tikkun Olam/Kinema link above,

      says individual screenings are available until Dec 31, 2024. Click “Create Screening Event” in the left sidebar, choose “In-Person”, and “Continue”.

      1. Admin

        Sorry, my mistake. The free home screening we watched must have been the virtual option, “No longer available.”

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