The Madison-Rafah Sister City Project

Upcoming Events: September 13 — 21, 2023

Wednesday, Sept. 13: Storytelling as Resistance
Thursday, Sept. 14: The Legacy of Oslo: Thirty Years Later
Thursday, Sept. 14: Palestine Partners at the Madison Night Market!
Friday, Sept. 15: The Developers: Land/Life Grabbers in Palestine
Sunday, Sept. 17: March for Peace at Willy Street Parade
Sunday, Sept. 17: Virtual Tour of the Gaza Strip with Green Olive Tours
Sunday, Sept. 17: Adam Manasra speaks in Madison
Thursday, Sept. 21: Art Under Occupation
Thursday, Sept. 21: Online Screening and Discussion of Film Boycott

Wednesday, Sept. 13:
12 noon CT online
Storytelling as Resistance: Palestinian Identity and Resilience in Literature for Young People

In this webinar, we will hear from a diverse panel of professionals – Christian, Muslim, and Jewish – who through their teaching and writing about Palestine for young people, convey a challenging subject in engaging and educational ways that overcome the all-too-common erasure of the Palestinian people and their story. 

Topics will include the importance of representation and truth-telling and how children can learn about difficult subjects in age-appropriate ways. Booklists, curriculums, and other resources will be shared that can help us learn how best to convey the Palestinian story to children. Our discussion and resources should provide valuable insights and learning for Palestine-related conversations and communications with adults as well.

Registration and full information here.

Thursday, Sept. 14
5 — 9 pm
Palestine Partners at the Madison Night Market on State Street!
400 Block of State Street, in front of Warby-Parker Store

Palestine Partners returns to the Madison Night Market with fabulous crafts from Women in Hebron and a great supply of Palestinian Olive Oil from Playgrounds for Palestine.

Thursday, Sept. 14:
2 pm CT online
The Legacy of Oslo: Thirty Years Later
On this 30th anniversary of the Oslo Accords, Palestinians throughout historic Palestine and beyond are still denied their fundamental rights guaranteed under international law.  The last 30 years are representative of an Israeli annexation process, as opposed to a peace process. …  This webinar will reflect on these 30 years, and how we move forward toward justice and liberation for the Palestinian people.
Online live on Facebook or YouTube. (Full information at either link)

Friday, Sept. 15:
5 pm CT via Livestream from Berkeley, CA
“The Developers” and the Land/Life-Grabbers in Palestine: Between Silwan and the Armenian Quarter
Prof. Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian’s research focuses on trauma, state crimes and criminology, surveillance, gender violence, law and society. She studies the crime of femicide and other forms of gender based violence, violence against children in conflict ridden areas, crimes of abuse of power in settler colonial contexts, surveillance, securitization and social control.
Watch the livestream here

Sunday, Sept. 17
Lineup at 10:30 am at 926 Williamson Street.
March for Peace in Ukraine & World BEYOND war at Willy Street Parade

Bring the kids! Bring the adults!
Details here

Sunday, Sept. 17:
12 noon CT
Virtual Tour of the Gaza Strip with Green Olive Tours

Gaza is frequently referred to as the largest prison in the world and has been under closure since 2007. Join a virtual tour showcasing the way Israeli policy has created an ongoing humanitarian and political catastrophe. With almost annual military assaults by Israel and a near total ban on international observers, virtual technology will be used to cross the militarized border zone, visit major historical sites, and imagine a future in which freedom of movement will be guaranteed to all residents of the Gaza Strip.
Information and Registration here

Sunday, Sept. 17
4 pm
Faith, Hope and Love: Adam Manasra speaks in Madison
First United Methodist Church, 203 Wisconsin Avenue, Madison

Welcome Adam Manasra to Wisconsin as he provides an on-the-ground update from the village of Wadi Foquin located in the Bethlehem District of the West Bank of Palestine. Adam will share about his experience growing up under Israel military occupation, and about the loss of land and resulting economic suffering due to the policy decisions and actions of the Government of Israel.
Free and open to the public; Donations for a new community development project in the village to build a Guest House will be gratefully accepted. This project is a creative use of land as well as an expression of resistance.
Hosted by First United Methodist Church and Sponsored by the Wisconsin Conference of the United Methodist Church.
More info here

Thursday, Sept. 21:
11 am CT online
Eyewitness Palestine Presents:

This second installment of their monthly educational Zoom series will feature Palestinian creatives like Sliman Mansour, Saleh Bakri & more.
Register here for Art Under Occupation
(Note: There is a donation requested, but if you can’t afford it there’s an option at the link.)

Thursday, Sept. 21
5:30 – 7:30 pm online
Screening and Panel Discussion of the film Boycott



Boycott Screening

Join Churches for Middle East Peace and Just Vision on September 21 for a virtual screening of the film Boycott, with a discussion to follow. Boycott traces the impact of state legislation designed to penalize individuals and companies that choose to boycott Israel due to its human rights record.
Registration and full information here







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