Tuesday, May 9: Online: Nakba 75: Exist, Resist, Return (from UK)
Monday, May 15: Nelson Mandela’s Grandson at Milwaukee Nakba Event
Monday, May 15: WORT Access Hour Show Reflecting on the Nakba
Wednesday, May 17: Online: Knowing the Nakba
Sunday, May 21: WORT Show Her Turn with Cassandra Dixon
Sunday, May 21: Zoom Film & Talk Back: Two Kids a Day
Tuesday, May 23 – Thursday, May 25: Online: Palestine Digital Activism Forum
Thursday, May 25: Rev. Don Wagner discusses his book Glory to God in the Lowest: Journeys to an Unholy Land
Virtual Tour of the Week:
Palestine VR: Masafer Yatta
Take this online tour of 3 villages in Masafer Yatta in the South Hebron Hills. For many years the entire area has been facing demolitions by Israeli authorities as well as constant attacks by Israeli settlers and soldiers. Led by local activist Sami Huraini.
Backgrounder of the Week:
The Nakba and Palestinian Refugees: Questions and Answers
from Institute for Middle East Understanding
Tuesday, May 9:
Nakba 75 – Exist, Resist, Return
Online Event from the UK
12:30 pm CT
On May 15th Palestinians across the globe will mark the 75th anniversary of the Nakba, the process of ethnic cleansing, colonization and dispossession that drove over 750,000 Palestinians into exile and erased more than 500 towns and villages. The Nakba is also marked as a continuing process of ongoing colonization of land, enforcement of apartheid and military occupation.
This online event features Palestinian movement leaders, poets, scholars and activists from across historic Palestine and the diaspora who will share their personal histories and tell how they confront the ongoing Nakba in their life and work. Sponsored by Palestinian Solidarity Campaign.
Monday, May 15:
Nelson Mandela’s Grandson at Milwaukee Nakba 75 Event
First stop on a six-city US tour. To reserve space at the Milwaukee event, register (admission is free, but donations are appreciated). More info
NEW: MRSCP is partnering with Building Unity on a “Care-avan” carpool to this event from Madison and Janesville; if you would like to offer a ride or are in need of a ride, please click here then scroll down and fill out the form at the bottom to RSVP and get updated information
Monday, May 15:
Access Hour, WORT Radio 89.9 FM
7-8 pm
Reflections on the 75th Anniversary of the 1948 Founding of the State of Israel: the Evolution of Modern Political Zionism, the Expulsion or Subjugation of the Palestinians (the ‘Nakba’), and Ramifications Up to the Present Time. More info
Wednesday, May 17:
Knowing the Nakba from the Methodist Federation for Social Action
12 Noon CT Online
The Palestinian Nakba (Catastrophe) of 1948 has been called the poisonous root of all that has plagued the Holy Land since that time, with a never-ending impact that pervades the Middle East and the entire world.
We cannot hope to understand the present turmoil in the Holy Land – let alone achieve a just peace for all those who live there – without knowing where and how the conflict began: with the ethnic cleansing of indigenous people from their homeland.
Join us for this unique educational and thought-provoking presentation, with moving recollections from living Nakba survivors, expert historical analysis, and riveting video clips.
Sunday, May 21:
WORT Radio’s Her Turn interviews Cassandra Dixon
11-11:30 am
Cassandra will be the guest on WORT’s Her Turn, a magazine radio show by and about women. Cassandra will discuss her recent trip to Palestine including the situation on the ground and her assault by Israeli settlers.
Tune in at 89.9 FM or listen live online.
And here’s WORT’s earlier interview with Cassandra and Masafer Yatta activist Ali Awad.

Sunday, May 21: 2-4 pm CT
Film Screening & Talk Back: Two Kids a Day
On average, two Palestinian kids are arrested every night by the Israeli army. They are interrogated, tried, and sent to prison. The film Two Kids a Day describes the use of minors’ arrests to control and repress Palestinian society. Join Churches for Middle East Peace on Sunday May 21st at 12 pm Pacific/ 3 pm Eastern for a virtual screening of the film and a conversation with the film director and co-producer. If you are interested in hosting a satellite screening of this event at your church, contact Jennifer at jennifer@cmep.org.
Tues May 23 – Thurs May 25: Online:
Palestine Digital Activism Forum
A comprehensive three day online conference aiming (1) to develop Palestinian digital activism and create a space for exchange of experiences and expertise with local and international counterparts; (2) to increase awareness among members of the Palestinian public about digital rights issues and challenges; and (3) to increase Palestinian digital rights activists access to local and international power holders to facilitate changes in policies and practices.
Sponsored by 7amleh- Arab Center for Social Media Advancement
More information and registration
Thursday, May 25:
Book Talk and Signing
A free event co-sponsored by MRSCP.
More info and reservation
Review of the book
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