The Madison-Rafah Sister City Project

Tell Pocan No More Military Aid to Israel

CALL Pocan’s offices and insist on a pledge not to vote for any further military aid. He’s still not done that. Here is the link to the Democratic discharge petition.

    Pocan in Madison (608) 258-9800
    Pocan in DC (202) 225-2906

Reject AIPAC from the Democratic Party. Join Us.
Right now, the Israeli military is preparing to invade Rafah, where over 1.7 million Palestinians are sheltering and starving from months of brutal bombardment.

Yesterday, AIPAC was on Capitol Hill lobbying members of Congress to give billions in unconditional weapons funding to Israel — directly enabling the attack on Rafah.

Now, Democratic leadership is using a procedure called a discharge petition to try to force a vote through and fund Israel’s assault on Gaza this week.1

Tell your member of Congress to reject AIPAC and their agenda: say no to $14 billion in weapons funding to Israel.


We put this easy tool together for you — all you have to do is fill in your information and press the button!

Urgent: Your Action Required March 13, 2024 AIPAC is lobbying Congress today to give billions in unconditional weapons funding to Israel — just as the Israeli military prepares to invade Rafah. Send a message to your member of Congress right now calling on them to reject AIPAC's agenda and oppose these weapons transfers.

Here’s why this is urgent: The discharge petition only needs 218 signatures to bring a vote to the floor — and at least 169 Democrats have already signed on.

That means we need to take action today to urge our representatives to refuse to sign or withdraw their signatures — and make it clear that they oppose billions in unconditional weapons funding for Israel.

The Israeli government has made its intention to invade Rafah very clear. Sending $14 billion in military funding would only enable Israel’s ongoing assault on Gaza, which has already killed over 31,000 Palestinians.

Send a message to your member of Congress right now calling on them to reject AIPAC’s agenda and oppose these weapons transfers.

On Monday, we joined a broad coalition of nearly two dozen progressive organizations calling on the Democratic Party to reject AIPAC.2

Moments like this are exactly why we organize — and exactly why we need people like you in our movement.

When you send a letter to Congress, you’ll be joining thousands of people across the country who are saying NO to AIPAC’s agenda and NO to Israel’s massacre of Palestinians.

Email your member of Congress right now to tell them to reject any vote to fund Israel’s assault on Gaza.

In solidarity,
The IfNotNow team

1. Axios, House Democrats’ foreign aid discharge petition goes live
2. ABC News, Progressive groups launch ‘Reject AIPAC’ effort as Democratic divides over Israel deepen


We continue to put all our resources into actions to respond to this moment. Please contribute if you can.

IfNotNow Movement
1629 K Street
Suite 300
Washington, DC 20006
United States





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