The Madison-Rafah Sister City Project

Stop the Gaza Genocide: Call Congress

This is genocide. Over 2 million Palestinian people trapped in Gaza are living through genocide in real time, as Israel bombs, starves, and displaces them.

Now Gaza is headed toward a total Internet, media, and power blackout, with no way to communicate to the outside world what is happening to them. Israel has ordered all of northern Gaza—over 1 million Palestinian people—to leave their homes in the next 24 hours, which is impossible.

I know you care deeply about Palestinian human rights. Right now, I’m asking you to take action like you never have before.

Use our Stop the Gaza Genocide action toolkit to sound the alarm now.

Just now, news broke that the State Department is instructing diplomats to avoid all talk of a ceasefire or reducing violence. The Biden administration is literally fanning the flames of genocide.

We are not helpless in this moment. You can use your power and influence to hold our U.S. government accountable. You can raise your voice. Thank you for taking action.

Onward to liberation,

Executive Director

P.S. If you haven’t yet, drop everything and call your members of Congress right now. Hold them accountable. Tell them to stop fueling the Gaza genocide. And keep calling.





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