The Madison-Rafah Sister City Project

Sep 25 – Nov 13, 2014
The Joe Deane Memorial Series on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Madison Central Library, Rm. 104
201 W. Mifflin

Thurs. Sept. 25th 6:30 pm
The Zionist Colonization, The British Colonial Regime, and the 1948 War and Founding of Israel

Thurs. Oct. 30th 6:30 pm
A Dispossessed People, the Arab-Israeli Conflict and Wars of 1956, 1967, and 1982, and Evolution of the Palestinian National Movement

Thurs. Nov. 13th 6:30 pm
Israeli Colonialism and Apartheid in the Occupied Territories, the U.S.-Israeli ‘Peace Process’, and the Current Impasse

Part of the Origins and Development of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: the Joe Deane Memorial Series, facilitated by David Williams and Steve Wolvin. Co-sponsored by the Peregrine Forum, the Madison Infoshop Free Skool, and Rainbow Bookstore Cooperative. Info? #284-9082


