The Madison-Rafah Sister City Project

Sep 16, 2024: Vigil at Tammy Baldwin’s office

Ask Congress to block weapons to Israel & call off World War III

30 W Mifflin St
11 am – 1 pm

“There will be another shipment of military weapons and planes that has to come before Congress to get an approval, and I will lead the effort to try to stop that,”  – Bernie Sanders, Aug 29 

All over the world, opposition to the Israeli war on Palestine is indisputable. But the Biden administration has approved another $20 billion arms sale to Netanyahu’s government. Bernie Sanders has vowed to block the weapons sale by introducing a Joint Resolution of Disapproval in Congress.

Meet us Monday, Sept 16, from 11 am – 1 pm in front of Baldwin’s office, 30 W Mifflin St. We will vigil silently, and interrupt the silence every 10 minutes by banging on pots and pans. If you can, dress in black and bring pots and pans. We’ll have a statement asking all our members of Congress and candidates to stop arming Israel and Ukraine. We will deliver Tammy Baldwin’s to her office on the 7th floor. You can sign our statement or bring your own.

We’ll vigil Monday to ask our Senators Baldwin and Johnson, Rep Mark Pocan, and Senate candidate Hovde to publicly commit to joining Bernie in blocking the weapons sale. We will also join CODEPINK’s call to halt NATO-backed strikes inside Russia, stop arming Ukraine and support a ceasefire before a world war breaks out between nuclear powers. 

From Common Dreams: “The U.S. State Department notified Congress on August 13 that it decided to approve the sale of dozens of F-15 fighter jets, tens of thousands of mortar shells, and other weaponry to Israel. … According to The New York Times, the Biden administration deliberately timed the notification for when both chambers of Congress were on recess in an effort to “avoid an ugly fight” over the sales. Sanders’ vow to introduce a resolution of disapproval could throw a wrench in the administration’s plans for a smooth congressional review process.”

And have you noticed how often the warplanes are flying over Madison lately?!?! Want to help us pressure Governor Evers to change the mission at Truax? Send us a note.





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