Give Children a Chance to Be Children
Help Rebuild a Playground in Rafah, Palestine
The Madison-Rafah Sister City Project (MRSCP) is partnering with Playgrounds for Palestine (PfP) to rebuild a playground in the Tal al Sultan neighborhood of Rafah, Palestine that was destroyed in January 2004.
MRSCP and PfP aim to raise $10,000 for reconstruction of the park facilities by December 2004. This will include installation of modern playground equipment provided by PfP which survived the January destruction and remains in storage nearby.
Your contribution will provide Playgrounds for Palestine with the resources to create a new recreation area in Rafah where children living under military occupation can meet, play with friends, and simply enjoy being kids. Contributions of any amount, from both individuals and organizations, will be sincerely appreciated. Please take this opportunity to recognize the humanity of Palestinian children and affirm their right to childhood. Help us provide them with a wonderful gift for the 2004 holiday season.
As a tax-exempt, 501(c)3 corporation, all donations to Playgrounds for Palestine are tax deductible.
The Organizations
Playgrounds for Palestine (PfP) purchases playground equipment at a discounted price. All other labor and materials are purchased locally in Gaza to create opportunities for Palestinians as well as reduce costs for playground construction. In addition, a local family will care for the playground and park in return for the right to operate a small food concession on site, providing them with a small income.
Madison-Rafah Sister City Project (MRSCP) was founded in 2003 to foster people-to-people relationships between the citizens of Madison and Rafah. Located on the border with Egypt, Rafahís economy and city infrastructure have been devastated by Israelís ongoing military occupation. All aspects of life there, whether cultural, physical, political, or educational, have been negatively affected. MRSCP has therefore focused its efforts on both humanitarian aid and community education, including lectures and films on the conflict in Israel-Palestine.
In January 2004, MRSCP sent a delegation to Rafah to meet with community leaders, both governmental and non-governmental. Although the delegation returned with a long list of humanitarian projects urgently needed by the people of Rafah, playgrounds for the children was one of the first to be mentioned.
MRSCP has therefore joined with Playgrounds for Palestine to help provide a recreation area for the children of Rafah, so that they may have a place to play, live, and socialize in peace.
Checks to “Playgrounds for Palestine” with the memo “Rafah Playground” may be mailed to:
Madison-Rafah Sister City Project
6666 Odana Road, #505
Madison, WI 53719
Checks will be forwarded to PfP and a receipt will be provided by PfP directly to each contributor. Cash donations will be kept by MRSCP in a separate fund and forwarded periodically to PfP, but no receipt will be provided for these.
A report on the completed playground project,
A gift to Rafah, was published in the April 29, 2005 Isthmus . Playground installation photos have been added to our galleries. We are no longer collecting for the playground – check out our Milk for Rafah project!
Cleanup (removal of rubble from demolished homes) $2,500
Leveling the ground $1,500
Reconstructing the wall around the site (material and labor) $4,100
Painting the wall, replanting trees and installing
soft landings for play (material and labor) $1,900
Total Cost Estimate $10,000Donations
Individuals $5,785
Katz Family Foundation $250
Mad Drafters Collective $78
Olympia-Rafah Sister City Project. $500
Purple Moon Foundation $2,000
Cash $1,397.49
Total Donations as of 14-Mar-05 $10,010
Total Disbursements as of 14-Mar-05 $9,740

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