The Madison-Rafah Sister City Project

Update: Madison Common Council Votes for Gaza Ceasefire

December 5, 2023

December 3, 2023

As Israel once again expands its murderous assault on the people of Gaza, creating what is being called a mass assassination factory, we need your help.

If you are a resident of the City of Madison, we need you to ask the Common Council to pass the proposed resolution calling for a ceasefire. The resolution comes up for testimony and a vote at the Tuesday, December 5 virtual meeting which begins at 6:45 pm.

As of this writing, it has 11 co-sponsors, the minimum needed for passage.

We need you to contact alders ahead of the meeting and also to register and/or to speak in support of the resolution at Tuesday night’s meeting. Directions for both are below.

City councils have been passing ceasefire resolutions around the US, for example Atlanta, Detroit and three other Michigan cities, Oakland and Richmond, CA; and others. The goal is to put pressure on the Biden administration and Congress to halt the slaughter and destruction in Gaza.  It is the very MINIMUM that our elected officials can do.

Follow the link below; click on the box labeled “Register for Public Comment”. You will have the option to register to speak or to just register your support for the resolution, which is agenda item number 108​.

As always, thanks for your support.

November 28, 2023

A resolution calling for a ceasefire in Gaza has been introduced into the Madison Common Council.  It is scheduled to be voted on next Tuesday, December 5 in a virtual council meeting. While limited in scope, it’s consistent with resolutions around the country calling on the Biden administration to secure a ceasefire and stop the killing.
Here’s the resolution text and an updated tally of alders who have signed onto it. It has 10 co-sponsors with 11 alders — a simple majority — needed for passage.
As we know from past experience, alders will be receiving enormous pressure to withdraw their support. In addition to getting more alders on board we’ll need to persuade those signed on to stay and vote for it.
If you are a resident of Madison, please take 5 minutes to contact the Common Council in support of this resolution. You can contact your alder and the entire Council with one email. 
(1) Look up your alder by your home address here. Check the resolution link above to find out if they are already a sponsor.
(2) Compose and send ONE email to <>. We understand this is more effective than using the contact form, but that’s an option. Use your own words; there are some suggestions below.
(3) Include your alder’s name and that you are a constituent of theirs, and:
If your alder is a sponsor, thank them for signing on and urge them to continue supporting the resolution.
If your alder is not yet a sponsor, ask them to become a sponsor or at least pledge to vote for the resolution. 
Messaging: Keep it short and simple and emphasize that this is the least that they can do to save lives and end the catastrophic destruction of Gaza. Tell them why this is important to you and to any organizations that you belong to. Ask for a reply.
For quick reference here is a complete list of all alders with their emails and phone numbers. If you know an alder personally, you could give them a call.


December 1, 2023

Dear Members of the Madison Common Council,

We want to thank all the alders who have signed on in support of the recent resolution calling for a ceasefire in Gaza.

Today’s resumption of the massive bombardment of civilians in Gaza shows the absolutely urgent need for the ceasefire, and we urge those who have not yet signed on to do so immediately.

A large majority of Americans support a ceasefire, and this is the very MINIMUM that you as elected officials can do in opposition to the death and devastation that our tax dollars are unleashing upon 2.3 million human beings trapped in an area just slightly larger than the City of Madison. Since the resolution was drafted, the death toll is approaching 20,000, of whom over 6,000 are children. Every day that Israel’s assault continues, more people die from bombing and shelling, from untreated injuries, from disease, from lack of medical care, food, water, shelter and fuel. This is a crime against humanity that nothing can justify. It must stop.

Again, we ask you to pass this resolution, and then to forward it to our elected federal representatives including Sen. Tammy Baldwin, Sen. Ron Johnson and Rep. Mark Pocan.


Rowan Atalla
Tsela Barr
Cassandra Dixon
Samir El-Omari
Lisa Masri
Barbara Olson
Donna Wallbaum
Kathy Walsh

Members of the Madison-Rafah Sister City Project

December 1, 2023

Thank you – Ceasefire for Gaza Resolution

Good evening,

My name is Alder Nasra Wehelie serving in District 7. I am one of the sponsors for the resolution for the Immediate Ceasefire in Gaza. I have read each and everyone of your emails and was really moved and appreciate your time, insight and support. The council meeting for Tuesday 12/5 is virtual. For those who are interested in registering to support or to speak, here is the link. The agenda item number is 108​.

Thank you again.

Nasra Wehelie

Madison Common Council – District 7 Alder





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