The Madison-Rafah Sister City Project

Keep Calling Government Officials

Re: The War on Gaza and the West Bank

First, call Sen. Tammy Baldwin to demand that she support a ceasefire and not send more military aid to Israel.
    DC office: (202) 224-5653
    Madison office: (608) 264-5338
    Milwaukee office: (414) 297-4451
You can get numbers for Sen. Ron Johnson and leave a message (they seldom answer the phone).

Second, contact your representative to oppose the $14 billion supplemental military aid bill to Israel. All details are in this alert from American Muslims for Palestine.
Third, call Senator Bernie Sanders
There is a national campaign by Jewish Voice for Peace, MPower Action and others to get Sanders to introduce a resolution to call for a ceasefire, which he still has not done.
Call and tell Bernie Sanders (202) 224-5141: We want a #CeasefireNOW

Have X/Twitter? Retweet our message to Bernie here!

Fourth, Call the White House and

Tell President Biden that you demand a ceasefire and don’t want your tax dollars funding genocide.

Call 202-456-1111 every day this week 

(From Americans for Justice in Palestine).)





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