The Madison-Rafah Sister City Project

Jewish Webinar Series on Israel-Palestine

The Shaarei Shamayim synagogue in Madison, along with other Reconstructionist synagogues around the country, is hosting this series about Israel/Palestine:

After a month-long break for the Jewish holidays, we return to our series Expanding Our Conversation on Israel-Palestine with a renewed commitment to engage in a deep and respectful conversation as we learn from our speakers and from one another.

Join us this Tuesday, October 18 at 7:00 p.m. CT. Nadia Saah will present “The Nakba: Palestinian History Through Testimonies and Images.”

Zoom registration link

“The Nakba: Palestinian History Through Testimonies and Images” The Nakba (Catastrophe) began in 1948 when Israeli troops forcibly expelled over 700,000 Palestinians and destroyed over 500 Palestinian villages. Saah argues that a sustainable future in Palestine/Israel can only emerge in the presence of justice. A first step toward that future is facing the realities of the Nakba and its impact on Palestinian lives. She will review evidence using eyewitness accounts, images, and testimony of the descendants of Palestinians who were forced into exile. She will also discuss the ongoing Nakba that Palestinians endure.

Bio of Nadia Saah Nadia Saah founded and directs Project48, a cross-platform initiative to advance awareness of the Palestinian Nakba.  She has served as campaign director and strategist for media companies, rights organizations, and foundations. She also produces and consults on Palestine-themed film and television projects and on campaigns that seek a just, sustainable future in Palestine/Israel. She was Deputy Director of the Institute for Middle East Understanding (IMEU), and she currently serves on the boards of Jewish Currents, UNRWA USA, and the Adalah Justice Project.

Please consider making a donation to advance these conversations and the future of this project.

This series is organized independently and co-sponsored by several Reconstructionist congregations – Congregation Shaarei Shamayim, Havurah Shalom Israel/Palestine Committee, Kadima Reconstructionist Community, Kol Tzedek, Mishkan Shalom, and Or Haneshamah.

L’shalom,Joel, Diana, Marcy, Sue, Rebecca, Brian, and Laurie

P.S. We are pleased that many of you heard the extraordinary presentation in September by Professor Rashid Khalidi, the first speaker in our series. If you were unable to attend, we encourage you to watch the recording:

Please join us for future talks in our series; read presentation descriptions and bios here.

Our programs begin at 8:00 p.m. EST, 7:00 p.m. CST, and 5:00 p.m. PST. On November 1, we will open the room half an hour early for an optional screening of the short film “The Present.”

  • November 1:  Yafa Jarrar, “The West Bank: Life under Apartheid”
  • November 15:  Basma Fahoum, “Palestinian Citizens of Israel”
  • November 29:  Jehad Abusalim, “Light in Gaza: Reflections on Gaza’s Past, Present, and Future”
  • December 13:  Sa’ed Atshan, “Jerusalem: The Politics of Coexistence”

Nora Feder-Johnson
Interim Events and Membership Coordinator





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