The Madison-Rafah Sister City Project

January 12, 2019
#CastLeadPlus10 Facebook Live

Just World Educational, January 6, 2019

A “FaceBook Live” session on Operation Cast Lead and its legacies, featuring the talented Gaza-Palestinian activist Yousef Al-Jamal, will be held Saturday, January 12, at 11 am Central Time (7 pm Palestine.)

Yousef was in Gaza during Cast Lead. He was a contributor to the Gaza Writes Back short-story collection; editor of The Prisoners’ Diaries; a participant in the 3-week speaking tour three young Gaza writers made of the United States back in 2014; and a key resource in the #GazaChat on Twitter organized in the summer of 2017.

Please be sure to put this January 12 FB-Live appearance on your calendar so you can watch it in real time and take part in the discussion there!

Equally important, if you have questions that you want him to address, send them to us in advance or tweet them to @JustWorldEd using the hashtag.

These are the materials that we’ve developed especially for the campaign.

Our podcast miniseries:

(A mini-series of audio interviews exploring different aspects of Operation Cast Lead and its legacies with a range of experts. Each episode is about 30 minutes long.)

You can access all our podcasts, now and in the future, at this portal page. Or, you can subscribe to the new episodes as they come out, here.

Our “day-by-day slides” and their compilation:

Throughout the 22 days of the 10th anniversary of Cast Lead, we’ve been posting onto our Twitter and Facebook accounts daily slides that compile the essential facts of what happened that day in Gaza and Israel. If you’re on either platform, please follow/”Like” us and retweet or share these slides as often as you can.

In case you’re not on those platforms, or missed the daily slides as they appeared, here’s a 4-minute slideshow on Youtube that presents all the slides December 27 through January 5. (You may see some blurred images at the end of the first minute. We’re working to correct those errors.)

A guide to other great materials

Here is our collection of background materials in English on Operation Cast Lead. We still plan to update it further! If you have materials available in English on the internet, that you’d like to propose for inclusion, please let us know!

  1. Background materials from the Journal of Palestine Studies, Issue #151.
  2. Gazans’ experiences of Cast Lead.
  3. Palestinian politics and Cast Lead.
  4. Israeli politics and Cast Lead.
  5. International politics and Cast Lead.
  6. Damage assessments after Cast Lead.
  7. Breaking the Silence testimonies, etc.
  8. Goldstone Report and other attempts at accountability.
  9. Flotillas and other global civil-society actions.
  10. After-effects of Cast Lead for Palestinians.
  11. Background information about Gaza, 10 years after Cast Lead.

1. Background materials from the Journal of Palestine Studies, Issue #151.

  • This Winter 2009 issue of the Journal of Palestine Studies contains a very rich, well-documented special section on Cast Lead, and has a detailed day-by-day account of its events in the “Chronology” section at the back. From December 27, 2018 through the end of January 2019, the Institute for Palestine Studies is making this whole issue freely available to researchers and the public via this portal, as a way to mark the tenth anniversary of Cast Lead.

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2. Gazans’ experiences of Cast Lead.

Back to top.

3. Palestinian politics and Cast Lead.

Back to top.

4. Israeli politics and Cast Lead.

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5. International politics and Cast Lead.

(to come)

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6. Damage assessments after Cast Lead.

Back to top.

7. Breaking the Silence testimonies, etc.

Back to top.

8. “Goldstone Report” (UN Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict), Sept. 2009, & other attempts at accountability.

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9. Flotillas and other global civil-society actions.

(to come)

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10. After-effects of Cast Lead for Palestinians.

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11. Background information about Gaza, 10 years after Cast Lead.


