The Madison-Rafah Sister City Project (MRSCP)

Tell CNN to Reinstate Marc Lamont Hill

On Thursday, November 29, 2018, CNN announced that it had severed ties with Temple University Professor and CNN contributor Marc Lamont Hill over a speech he gave in support of Palestinian human rights at the United Nations a day earlier.

Professor Hill addressed the UN on International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, drawing attention to the continued human rights violations perpetrated against the Palestinian people. Professor Hill has been vilified, defamed, and falsely accused of harboring hateful views. His words were distorted by pro-Israel groups seeking to undermine his call for one state with equal rights for all.

Marc Lamont Hill

In his defense of the Palestinian people, Professor Hill did not call anyone to violence, nor did he call for the destruction of Israel. His legitimate criticism of Israeli apartheid policies, which include rights and privileges afforded only to Jewish citizens of Israel, has been unfairly conflated with anti-Semitism, which is a well-worn tactic used by pro-Israel activists to smear their opponents.

Professor Hill has been a tireless champion of human rights and justice for all people, and has always denounced all forms of hate and racism. On Thursday, he reiterated his position in a series of tweets, writing, “I do not support anti-Semitism, killing Jewish people, or any of the other things attributed to my speech. I have spent my life fighting these things.”

CNN’s decision to dismiss one of its most popular commentators based on his principled stance against the oppression of Palestinians is blatant censorship. It’s hypocritical considering that one of its contributors is Rick Santorum whose hateful speech against Palestinians includes the denial of their existence. Another regular contributor, Alan Dershowitz, has a history of demonizing Palestinians and supported Israel’s use of torture against them. And yet, CNN chose to fire one of its few contributors of color.

The silencing of voices conducive to the free exchange of ideas is dangerous. It is not befitting a media outlet that prides itself on objectivity to stifle a critical viewpoint—much less one that is becoming increasingly mainstream.

CNN, you should not have caved into pressure. Reinstate Marc Lamont Hill immediately!


[1] Write to CNN President Jeff Zucker at and demand that CNN reinstates Marc Lamont Hill! Sample email included in this action.

[2] Tweet or write on social media in support of Marc Lamont Hill using the #IStandWithMLH. Sample tweets are below:

    During a time when media is under attack from those in power in our government, how can @CNN pretend to peddle objective journalism after making such a blatantly biased decision? #IStandWithMLH

    Media outlets like @CNN should defend free speech at a time when honest journalism is under attack. Firing a commentator for speaking facts is hypocritical. #IStandWithMLH

    Standing for Palestinian human rights is not a fireable offense @CNN. #IStandwithMLH

[3] Call or write to CNN to protest its cowardly decision and demand they reinstate Professor Marc Lamont Hill and respect the free exchange of ideas!

    CNN phone number: 1 (404) 827-1500

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