The Madison-Rafah Sister City Project

Update: August 28, 2021
Sidewalk Sale of Palestinian Crafts!

The Madison-Rafah Sister City Project and Palestine Partners successful yard sale during the Orton-Front Festival (above).

If you missed it and want to buy Palestinian crafts or yard signs you can still contact or visit Palestine Partners.

August 28, 10 am to 4 pm outside 1820 Rutledge St, Madison [Map]

Madison-Rafah Sister City Project and Palestine Partners will hold our first in-person crafts sale since February 2020, near Yahara Park during the Orton-Front Festival. Stop buy to see beautiful fair-trade crafts from Gaza, Hebron, and other parts of Palestine, including embroidery, ceramics, wood products, jewelry, keffiyehs, and olive oil soap.

You can browse before the sale at the Madison-Rafah Marketplace!

(Rain date is Sunday, August 29 at the same location, from 11 am to 3 pm)





2 responses to “Update: August 28, 2021
Sidewalk Sale of Palestinian Crafts!”

  1. Kevin Walsh

    The yard signs were very popular.

  2. admin

    If you missed it and want to buy Palestinian crafts or yard signs you can still contact or google Palestine Partners.

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