The Madison-Rafah Sister City Project

April 1, 2006
Joint benefit with Madison-Arcatao Sister City

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Dave Lippman is widely known on many coasts for his sharp send-ups of topics ranging from weapons of mass distraction to SUVs and the wars to defend them.

He has joined the “Wheels of Justice” tours against the occupations of Iraq and Palestine, and the “Collateral Damage” tour with a Mexican Maquila organizer.

Following a 2004 tour of Palestine and Israel, including a visit to our sister city, Rafah, Lippman created the “Star of Goliath” audio-visual presentation which he will perform in Madison after his comedy routine. He also visited our sister city Arcatao, in El Salvador, and will perform a similar piece he created in 1986 about that experience.

Lippman’s notoriety began in 1969 when he was named an unindicted co-conspirator for singing about the “Guatemala sweepstakes” at a rally against the United Fruit Company. Lippman co-founded the ‘Reagan for Shah Campaign,’ in which he introduced the permanent character George Shrub, Singing CIA Agent. Shrub went on to tour as security for the ‘Ladies Against Women.’

Lippman has performed in war zones in Central America. He has campaigned as George Stump, Moderate Clearcutter with Earth First! In Germany he sang for squatters and anti-nuclear activists. Stateside, he joined a caravan of Salvadoran refugees through Texas.

Ex-CIA agent John Stockwell declared Lippman prescient for writing a song about the Grenada “rescue” a year before it happened; Lippman declared it manifest destiny, based on the size of the island.

Lippman has brought Agent Shrub to the School of the Americas, CIA Headquarters, the White House, and countless events for peace, global justice, living wages, fair trade, environmental sanity, and apple pie.

Lippman has ten releases to his credit, not counting jail. The latest is Shrub and Lippman Live in Manhattan Kansas. (To hear Lippman and Shrub live, visit

Mr. Lippman is the founder of the International Federation of Investigative Songwriters, which no one has joined. He remains one of America’s foremost non-corporate comedians.



