The Madison-Rafah Sister City Project

Israel attacks Bright Stars Dar al-Kalima University in Bethlehem

Rev. Dr. Mitri Raheb, President of Dar al-Kalima University, spoke September 8 at Midvale Community Lutheran Church in Madison.


As many of you already know, Israeli forces attacked Dar al-Kalima University in Bethlehem on Monday, September 16. As posted on Bright Stars’ Facebook page, this attack has once again brought to light the ongoing aggression faced by Palestinian cultural and educational institutions at the hands of Israeli occupation forces. This attack also highlights the deliberate attempts to cause fear and panic among the indigenous people of Palestine. 

During the raid, Israeli soldiers targeted the beautiful new glass dome of the University’s nearly completed Hospitality Educational Center (HEC), firing bullets that destroyed numerous panes of glass and security cameras while causing panic among students and staff. While no physical injuries were reported, the trauma to students and staff is real and the implications of the attack are deeply concerning. The restaurant, designed to host educational and training programs in the culinary arts, serves as a symbol of cultural resilience and contributes to enhancing the concept and practice of cultural tourism in Palestine. Its presence atop a hill in Bethlehem is also a physical manifestation of that resilience.  

The deliberate targeting of such institutions not only endangers the lives of those present, but also highlights Israel’s deliberate and systematic targeting of all aspects of Palestinian life. These attacks are not isolated incidents but are part of the broader pattern of aggression aimed at eradicating the Palestinian presence, heritage, and identity. Despite the challenges posed by Israeli occupiers, Dar al-Kalima University remains steadfast in its commitment to advancing Palestinian culture and art education. As a testament to that commitment, Mitri reports that construction continued on Monday following the attack and that new panes of glass have already been ordered and should arrive in a few weeks. The inspiring resilience of Mitri, DAK and the Palestinian people motivates the staff and board of Bright Stars to work even harder to support the mission of DAK. 

We also call on the international community to not overlook these reprehensible acts of aggression and to hold the perpetrators accountable. It is imperative to highlight the significance of protecting and preserving Palestinian cultural and educational institutions, which play a vital role in providing a future for the Palestinian people and safeguarding their rich heritage. 

As Dar al-Kalima University continues its mission in the face of adversity, it is essential for the global community to stand in solidarity with the University and all Palestinian cultural and educational institutions, supporting their unwavering dedication to promoting and nurturing the next generation of artistic leaders. 

We will post more information on our social media channels (Facebook, InstagramLinkedIn, etc.) as we receive it. Please keep the students, staff, and people of Palestine in your prayers.    

Andrew Watts
Board Chair of Bright Stars of Bethlehem

815-315-0682 |





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