The Madison-Rafah Sister City Project

January 8, 2024
USCPR Phone Zap ⚡

12 noon CT

Help make sure Congress’ phones are ringing off the hook on their first day back in Washington, as Bernie Sanders’ attempt to block more weapons to Israel comes up and renewed efforts get underway to approve Biden’s $106 billion dollar arms deal (including $14 billion for Israel).
To join the phone zap click here.
Or just call direct today and every day:
Sen. Tammy Baldwin DC office (202) 224-5653 (has finally called for a ceasefire, sort of, but has not supported any effort to stop military aid.)

Sen. Ron Johnson DC office (202) 224-5323 (his position here)
Rep. Mark Pocan DC office  (202) 225-2906.(Note: Pocan has called for a ceasefire but has not committed to vote against further military aid to Israel)





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