The Madison-Rafah Sister City Project

April 18, 2022
“Who Speaks for the Jews?” Series

    6 pm Central

Join IfNotNow and the Jewish Liberation Fund for this speaker series addressing the question of who holds the power to shape Jewish communal narratives, how they exercise it, and what we can do.

The Jewish Liberation Fund (JLF) mobilizes resources to sustain and grow a progressive Jewish movement and fund a Jewish future we can believe in. We pursue this mission by cultivating the seeds of the Jewish progressive movement as a grantmaker whose decisions are made by Black and Indigenous Jews, Jews of Color, Sephardim and Mizrahim; designing resources and courses for large funders to critically consider the role of philanthropy in dismantling unjust social systems; and organizing Jewish funders to take collective action to usher in new practices in the Jewish philanthropic space.





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