The Madison-Rafah Sister City Project

October 21, 2021
Google and Amazon employees against Project Nimbus

Four Google & Amazon Employees to Speak Out About Historic Campaign on Thursday, October 21st at 8 PM EST

More than 1,000 Google and Amazon employees have joined forces and gone public against Project Nimbus, a 1.2 billion dollar contract with the Israeli military and government.

Since the launch of the campaign, 20,500 people have sent emails to Amazon and Google demanding they pull out of this contract. The pressure is building and the workers need to be heard!

On Thursday, October 21st at 8 PM EST, four employees will join AMP live on YouTube and Facebook in a first and exclusive conversation to discuss this historic campaign, the cross-company collaboration, details of Project Nimbus, how both companies have reacted to the campaign, and what’s to come.


In solidarity,

Taher Herzallah
Director of Outreach & Grassroots Organizing, AMP





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