The Madison-Rafah Sister City Project

Statement by US Campaign for Palestinian Rights

Dear Friends,

The Israeli regime is bombing Palestinian families living trapped under siege in Gaza, killing more than 320 Palestinians in the past day alone.

Now Israel’s colonial violence is expected to continue, including reports of a possible ground invasion of Gaza.

From Gaza to Jenin, we have witnessed Israel’s brutal massacres of Palestinian people again and again. We have watched U.S. politicians and media ignore, minimize, and sometimes even sanction Israel’s killings, dehumanizing Palestinians as they live under Israel’s apartheid every day, only to issue condemnations the moment a Palestinian person resists.

Take action now. Find a protest near you, and then email your members of Congress to demand they #StopArmingIsrael.

Planning a protest not on this list yet? Reply to this email to let us know.

Palestinian people in Gaza have been living under Israel’s brutal military occupation for over 50 years, and trapped under Israel’s suffocating, illegal siege and blockade for 17 years. And, as you know, many in Gaza are refugees and their descendants, from the Nakba 75 years ago.


There are no “both sides” when the Israeli regime has always been the colonizer and aggressor, with one of the most advanced militaries in the world, trapping more than 2 million Palestinian people (mostly refugees) in an open-air cage in Gaza in unlivable conditions. That level of inhumane violence is the root cause that needs to be addressed.

These massacres are funded into existence by our U.S. tax dollars, with a blank check for $3.8+ billion/year to the Israeli military. The U.S. government must #StopArmingIsrael

Raise the demand to #StopArmingIsrael loud in the streets and the halls of Congress. Find a protest near you now.

Keep your eyes on Gaza. Center the voices of Palestinian people in Gaza, whose lives are precious, and who have the right to live in safety free from the trauma of repeated bombings and ongoing oppression. Follow our Gaza Updates Twitter list and take action in solidarity.

Onward to liberation,

Executive Director

P.S. If you haven’t yet, please also:

1) Take action to support Palestinian human rights defender Sami Huraini since his hearing is urgently coming up on Oct. 30.

2) Consider joining us in-person in Houston for our USCPR National Conference this month. It couldn’t come at a more urgent time to gather, take stock, and plan for the future. Thank you for your advocacy.

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US Campaign for Palestinian Rights
PO Box 3609
Washington, DC 20027
United States






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