The Madison-Rafah Sister City Project

Tag: poverty

  • Demanding Money for People’s Needs and a U.S.-Israel Ceasefire in Palestine! Wisconsin Bail Out the People Movement, March 2, 2024 More All photos: Wisconsin Bail Out The People Movement The […]

  • Josie Shields-Stromsness, Middle East Children’s Alliance (MECA) Update for Madison Rafah Sister City Project BACKGROUND The economic situation in the Gaza Strip is deteriorating dramatically as a result of the […]

  • Dear Friends, Last year at this time my friend Laila was visiting the US, bringing the fabulously beautiful hand embroidered work of Women in Hebron to Fair Trade holiday craft […]

  • The shoreline in Gaza City during strong winds on Christmas Day (Mohammed Abed-AFP-Getty Images) Hazem Balousha and Miriam Berger, The Washington Post, January 1, 2020 GAZA CITY — Jana Tawil […]

  • Online from the Palestine Center Washington, DC 12 noon – 1 pm Central Time Listen live “Gaza is eviscerated. Apartheid is entrenched in the West Bank. Inside official Israel, the […]

  • [pdf-embedder url=””]

  • FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 13, 2018 House Democrats Condemn Trump Administration’s Actions Harming the Palestinian People WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Representatives Mark Pocan (WI-02), James P. McGovern (MA-02), Barbara Lee […]

  • ‘Doomsday scenario’ could unfold unless Palestinian agency replaces US funding within 30 days, spokesperson says. Al Jazeera, 01 Sep 2018 The UN Palestinian refugee agency (UNRWA) has called the decision […]

  • UW-Madison Students for Justice in Palestine Rescheduled from April 27. Stop by to see UW SJP’s display memorializing 70 years of occupation and devastation that stills continues today in Palestine. […]

  • Gil Halstead with Islam Maraqa on Access Shahir Hunaina, YouTube, November 16, 2016 My Blood is Palestinian (Dammi Falastini), translation by Sara Ba Keeping my oath, following my religion You […]

  • GAZA KIDS NEED YOUR HELP! Barb Olson, Madison-Rafah Sister City Project, March 9, 2018 For the third time, the Madison-Rafah Sister City Project (MRSCP) is partnering with the Middle East […]

  • We Are Not Numbers, February 23, 2018 A Gaza man with a SunBox Two of the Gaza Strip’s most pressing challenges are a blockade-induced shortage of both electricity and building […]

  • with Norman Finkelstein Monday, March 12, 2018 12:00 p.m CDT Livestream Here The Gaza Strip is among the most densely populated places in the world. More than two-thirds of its […]

  • Mark Your Calendars for Sunday Afternoon Annual Rachel Corrie Commemoration Featuring Dessert and a Program Time and place TBD 2018 marks 15 years since Rachel Corrie was killed by an […]

  •   Last month, President Trump announced his administration’s reckless, one-sided decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and eventually move the U.S. embassy there. Now the administration is […]

  • Petition Background On January 16, 2018, the US Administration made the decision to freeze millions of dollars to UNRWA in 2018. As the single largest contributor to UNRWA globally, this […]

  • As the UN’s day of solidarity with Palestinians nears, Gazans have restored a hesitant bustle Miriam Berger, The Guardian, Saturday 25 November 2017 Fishermen off the coast of Gaza City, […]

  • Justice for Palestine

        Justice for Palestine, War on Want The catastrophe facing the Palestinian people is a defining global justice issue of our time. It is not an intractable conflict between two equal […]

  • Palestine Children’s Relief Fund This Ramadan, Give Hope to Orphans in Gaza Make a difference during the month of Ramadan by supporting the PCRF’s Gaza Orphan Sponsorship Program. Throughout this […]

  • From our friend Anees in Rafah: Donate to send food packages to needy families. The project has raised more than half of its $5,000 goal; please help them over the […]

  • Keep Gaza Children Warm

    Anees Mansour, gofundme, November 5, 2016  We are about to enter the winter season in Gaza. The houses can’t handle the weather as they are not insulated properly and we […]

  • Luci Lights for Rafah and Playground finish for Hebron Dear Members and Friends of MRSCP, We would like to ask your support for two modest but important projects this fall. […]

  • Our photo (above), taken by Mohammad Mansour, was selected as a finalist in Global Giving’s 2016 Photo Contest! This picture was taken while the first pallet of Luci Lights that […]

  • Sara Roy, Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, June 28, 2016 During a brief pause to hostilities in July 2014, families returned to eastern Gaza, which saw some of the heaviest […]

  • Elizabeth Kucinich in Gaza (UNRWA USA) Elizabeth Kucinich, The Hill, June 23, 2016 This month, U.S. congressmen, including Reps. Hank Johnson (D-Ga.) and Mark Pocan (D-Wis.), were refused entry into […]

  • United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), July 2015 [pdf-embedder url=””]

  • Ali Abunimah, The Electronic Intifada, 10 September 2014 Destruction everywhere UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs A new United Nations assessment published this week lays out the massive […]

  • Yasmin Mogahed, Nov 19, 2012 For Jennifer Loewenstein, April 19, 2002 was a “waking nightmare”. She stood silent at the edge of the camp, in disbelief–and horror. Listening to the […]

  • Interfaith Peace-Builders, November 5, 2012 November 5, 2012 – Interfaith Peace-Builders (IFPB) is pleased to announce that our 21 member delegation to the Gaza Strip passed safely through the Rafah […]

  • Barb Olson, The Capital Times, December 07, 2007 “After meeting their own low expectations for the Annapolis conference amid intense skepticism, Bush administration officials crowed with delight,” said an Associated […]

  • Palestinians wait to cross the Rafah border for medical treatment (Photo M. Omer) Mohammed Omer, Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, September/October 2007 PERCHED ATOP A suitcase and trunk, her […]

  •, May 3, 2006 Madison Ald. Lauren Cnare and State Journal readers can rest easy. Contrary to Melanie Conklin’s April 19 column, the Arcatao, El SalVador, sister city project did […]

  • Melanie Conklin,, Apr 19, 2006 Ald. Lauren Cnare doesn’t oppose buying milk for kids in Rafah on the Gaza Strip in Palestine. She just objects to tax money given […]

  • Al Jazeera, August 26, 2005 The Palestinian economy has deteriorated sharply since the start of the uprising in 2000, and Israel’s separation barrier in the West Bank will depress it […]

  • The Gaza Evacuations

    Disengagement or Tactical Military Redeployment? SHAMAI K. LEIBOWITZ and KATERINA HELLER, CounterPunch, August 24, 2005 The imminent handover of the Gaza Strip to the Palestinian Authority and the evacuation of a […]

  • Reflections on the Disengagement from Gaza Sara Roy, MIFTAH, August 20, 2005 Israel’s disengagement plan is widely hailed by the international community, led by the United States, as a first […]

  • The West Bank city of Nablus is relatively calm at present. Anyone who can raise money, even by selling their jewellery, is investing in the stock market. They want to […]

  • 11 June 2004 Friends, I have just returned from a trip to Lebanon and Syria leading a group of 18 people to meet with the Palestinian Refugees in both countries.  […]

  • 18 May 2004 Dear Madam/Sir, I write to you today with the high hopes that your consistent support to the Palestinian People and commitment to the peace process as the […]

  • Gila Svirsky, www.coalitionofwomen4peace.org4/21/2004 Dear Alice, You were signature number 2,750 on the petition “Open the Gates to Allow Food into Gaza”, and you added after your name, “This won’t do […]

  • UNRWA Press Release 1 April 2004 UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East Headquarters Gaza website: Press Release No. HQ/G/06/2004 The United Nations Relief […]

  • World Food Programme Report, 28 October 2003 . . . Christiane Berthiaume of the World Food Programme said that she had been in the occupied Palestinian territories last week. The […]