The Madison-Rafah Sister City Project

Speakout against Separating Families

International Socialist Organization – Madison

Saturday, June 23 at 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM
UW Library Mall, Madison, WI

The Trump administration has ramped up its attacks on immigrants, separating children from their parents when crossing the border with no clear plan of reunifying them. The trauma and harm this is causing these families is terrible.

Across the US, people have and continue to come together, rally, and organize against these brutal attacks and to fight for something better.

Join together at Library Mall on the UW Madison campus for a speak-out and rally against these attacks, and for safety for all immigrants, refugees, and migrants.

Bring signs, and bring friends.

Madison IWW General Defense Committee Local 100
International Socialist Organization – Madison
Madison Socialist Alternative
Democratic Socialists of America – Madison
Madison NOW – National Organization for Women
Wisconsin National Organization for Women


