The Madison-Rafah Sister City Project

October 21, 2010
Ann Wright to speak in Madison

From Afghanistan to Gaza: Obama’s Middle East Policy in Crisis

7:00 pm
180 Science Hall
550 N. Park Street [Map]

The Madison-Rafah Sister City Project is co-sponsoring a talk by Ann Wright on U.S. Middle East policy.

Ann Wright is a retired Army colonel and former US diplomat who resigned from the State Department in March 2003 in opposition to the war on Iraq. She served in Nicaragua, Grenada, Somalia, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Sierra Leone, Micronesia and Mongolia. In December 2001 she was on the small team that reopened the US Embassy in Afghanistan. She traveled to Gaza three times in 2009 and helped coordinate the Gaza Freedom March. She is the co-author of the book Dissent: Voices of Conscience, available from Rainbow Bookstore.

Sponsors: Student Progressive Dane and Madison-Rafah Sister City Project. Welcomed by WORT Radio, 89.9 FM.

Co-sponsors: American Jews for a Just Peace/Madison; Colombia Support Network; Havens Center; Iraq Veterans Against the War/Madison; Madison Area Peace Coalition; Madison Institute; Pax Christi/Madison; Playgrounds for Palestine/Madison; The Progressive; Veterans for Peace/Madison; WI Impeachment Troops Out Now; Wisconsin Middle East Lobby Group; Wisconsin Network for Peace and Justice; Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom/Madison.

Radio appearances by Ann Wright:
(1) WORT: Salamat show 6-6:30 pm, Sunday, Oct. 17
(2) WORT: LIVE Morning Buzz, 8 am, Thursday Oct. 21
(3) LIVE on Coffee and Cream on WSUM Student Radio (91.7 fm) between 11 and 12 noon on Thursday, Oct. 21
(4) WORT A Public Affair live with Judith Siers-Poisson 12 noon – 1 pm on Friday, Oct. 22 (89.9 fm)

This is an excerpt from a recent article on Gaza, “Gaza Death Zone”, CounterPunch, May 2, 2010:

“The Palestinians in the Death Zone called Gaza are being slaughtered again as Israel and now Egypt kill and wound more innocent civilians who challenge their illegal siege, blockade and quarantine.

In the past four days, one young Palestinian man has been killed and two young women and a young man have been wounded by Israeli snipers as they protested the Israeli bulldozing of 300 meters of Palestinian land into an Israeli “buffer zone.” Four young Palestinian tunnel workers have been killed by suffocation and 6 injured as Egypt sprayed a crowd dispersal gas into a tunnel.”


