The Madison-Rafah Sister City Project

Open Doors for Refugees Donations

Donations of Furniture and Household Items:
Open Doors has stocked and set up apartments for three refugee families in the last three weeks. In the next ten days, four more refugee families will move to Madison, and Open Doors will provide almost all the furniture and household items for three of them, move it all into the new apartments, and set up the apartments in preparation for the new arrivals. To be able to do so, we need an influx of furniture and household items (without getting too much which would overwhelm our limited storage facilities – it’s a fine dance).

We especially need dressers, dining tables & chairs, armchairs and lights, while we already have plenty of couches, bedding and personal care items.

If you have things you’d like to donate, or want to organize a donation drive among your friends or colleagues, please email us at OpenDoorsForRefugees [at]


