The Madison-Rafah Sister City Project

Year: 2007

  • December 12, 2007 Dear Members and Friends of MRSCP, As we approach the holiday season and the end of the tax year, please consider donating to the following emergency appeals […]

  • Barb Olson, The Capital Times, December 07, 2007 “After meeting their own low expectations for the Annapolis conference amid intense skepticism, Bush administration officials crowed with delight,” said an Associated […]


  • Free preview showing and discussion!Escape Java Joint916 Williamson St.Sunday, December 9, 7:00 p.m. Discussion will be led by George Arida, co-host of WORT “Salamat” and member of the Madison-Rafah Sister […]

  • Rami George Khouri – “A Fair and Balanced View from the Arab World” Madison Civics Club November Meeting, Monona Terrace November 17th, 2007, 10:55 a.m.–1:45 p.m. Khouri is Executive Editor […]

  • Palestinians wait to cross the Rafah border for medical treatment (Photo M. Omer) Mohammed Omer, Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, September/October 2007 PERCHED ATOP A suitcase and trunk, her […]

  • MRSCP will be holding an open general meeting on Sunday, Nov. 11 beginning at 7 pm at Escape Java Joint, 916 Williamson Street in Madison. The point of this meeting […]

  • The next meeting of the Divest From the Israeli Occupation group will be on Saturday, Nov. 17th from 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm in the downtown Madison Public Library. George […]

  • · Seizure would allow huge expansion of settlements · Move seen as rush to make changes before US summit Conal Urquhart in JerusalemWednesday October 10, 2007The Guardian Construction workers in […]

  • Annie’s Letters, October 9, 2007 Palestinian author and human rights activist Susan Abulhawa has come under a cyber attack just days before she is scheduled to appear at the Wisconsin […]

  • He Claims Nation Is Hurting Self With Its Policies SAMARA KALK DERBY, The Capital Times, October 8, 2007 Israeli human rights activist and author Jeff Halper argues that in the […]

  • Cancelled Event Hoax

    This e-mail was sent to the UW Middle East Studies listserver today, cancelling the Jeff Halper event tonight at Grainger Hall. The only problem is, the event was not cancelled, […]

  • Saturday, October 6, 7:30 – 10:00 pm Middleton Houseparty Fundraiser with Jeff Halper of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD). Goal to raise $5000 to rebuild one Palestinian house. […]

  • Jennifer Loewenstein, CounterPunch, 23 september, 2007 On January 26th 1976 the United Nations Security Council debated a resolution (S11940) introduced by Jordan, Syria and Egypt that included all the crucial […]

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  • Three projects in Palestine

    This is a special appeal on behalf of three projects in Palestine: (1) Save Gaza's pilot project on Sustainable Gardens in Gaza, including Rafah; (2) The Rebuilding Alliance's West Bank […]

  • Jennifer Loewenstein, The Progressive, June 26, 2007 Contrary to the many claims that the Hamas takeover of the Gaza Strip represents the failure of US and Israeli policies in Palestine, […]

  • John Nichols, Capital Times, June 20, 2007 The tragedy of Washington’s narrow “debate” about the Middle East is that few American political players are willing to comment in a serious […]

  • MIKE MURRAY, Cap Times, Jun 9, 2007 This week marks the 40th anniversary of the 1967 war in which, most Americans believe, a small, gallant Israel defeated powerful attacking Arab […]

  • Jennifer Loewenstein, Islamic Human Rights Commission, 06 June 2007 Jennifer Loewenstein brilliantly illustrates the horrors of living under fire and portrays the Palestinians of Gaza as a people abandoned by […]

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  • [pdf-embedder url=””] Palestine, Israel and Lebanon 40 Years after 1967 “Hizbullah, Israel and Lebanon: The Summer War, 2006” Fawwaz Trabulsi, Lebanese-American University, Beirut, Lebanon April 12th • 1351 Chemistry • […]

  • Washington – The simmering debate over American policy toward Israel and the role of the Jewish community in shaping it exploded with near-nuclear force this week. Several of the nation’s […]

  • Major Givers Reportedly withholding Funds from School, Sparking Fierce Free-Speech Debate on Massachusetts Campus Larry Cohler-Esses, The Jewish Week (New York), February 16, 2007 Major donors to Brandeis University have […]

  • Amira Hass, Haaretz, Feb 14, 2007 The Gaza Strip is ‘abroad’ in a strange way. Israelis need a passport to get there, and Palestinian Jerusalemites need a laissez passer – […]

  • Its Time to Visit Gaza

    Miko Peled, The Electronic Intifada, 13 February 2007 Palestinians wait at the Rafah Crossing in Gaza to pass through to the Egypt, 6 February 2007. (MaanImages/Hatem Omar) The Israeli-Palestinian conflict […]

  • Bassam Aramin, The Forward, February 9, 2007 I fought with my daughter on the day she was shot. On her way out the door to school, Abir announced, in that […]

  • Ali Abunimah is coming to Madison to speak on his new book, One Country — A Bold Proposal to End the Israeli-Palestinian Impasse. A Palestinian-American, Abunimah is a co-creator and […]

  • A doctors call

    Victoria Brittain, Guardian Unlimited, January 30, 2007 Mona el-Farra, a Palestinian doctor working in Gaza should have been in London this evening, launching a campaign for peace between Israelis and […]

  • Ceasefire between Palestinian factions enters into force after five days of intense inter-factional fighting United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), 30 Jan 2007 Overview The ceasefire […]

  • Student Stipend Program

    The Madison-Rafah Sister City Project (MRSCP) has launched a Student Stipend Program to provide Rafah college students with assistance to remain in school in Gaza and complete their studies. The […]

  • Is the Bush administration violating the law to provoke a Palestinian civil war? Conflicts Forum, 07 Jan 2007 Deputy National Security Advisor, Elliott Abrams — who Newsweek recently described as […]