Glenn Greenwald will be on A Public Affair WORT-FM 89.9 with host Esty Dinur on Wednesday, November 3rd, from noon to one.
Middle Eastern Law Student Association present

Wars Without End: The War on Terrorism and Against Civil Liberties in the Obama Era
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
2650 Humanities, UW-Madison
7:00 9:00 PM
The Bush/Cheney assault on civil liberties, and the radical executive power theories that supported it, were one of the prime causes of Democratic anger during the last decade. That anger helped elect Barack Obama, whose vow to reverse this erosion of Constitutional values was a featured part of his campaign.
Yet almost two full years into the Obama presidency, the vast bulk of Bushs extremist War on Terror architecture from secrecy and lawless detention to due-process-free killings and immunity for lawbreaking not only has been embraced by Obama, but, in some cases, has been fortified and expanded.
What accounts for Obamas continuation of the very War on Terror policies which he once so vehemently condemned? What are the implications for core civil liberties? And what means exist for restoring the rule of law and Constitutional safeguards in the face of ongoing fear-mongering over terrorism?
Student Progressive Dane is honored to bring in Salon.coms Glenn Greenwald to attempt to put some answers to some of these questions. Glenn Greenwald was a constitutional law and civil rights litigator and is currently a contributing writer at Salon. He has also contributed to other newspapers and political news magazines, including The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, The American Conservative, The National Interest, and In These Times. Greenwald is the author of three books: How Would a Patriot Act? (2006) and A Tragic Legacy (2007), both New York Times bestsellers; and Great American Hypocrites (2008).
In March 2009 he was selected, along with Democracy Nows Amy Goodman, as the recipient of the first annual Izzy Award by the Park Center for Independent Media, an award named after famed independent journalist I.F. Izzy Stone and devoted to rewarding excellence in independent journalism. The selection panel cited Greenwalds pathbreaking journalistic courage and persistence in confronting conventional wisdom, official deception and controversial issues.
His commentaries on surveillance issues and separation of powers have been cited in The New York Times, in The Washington Post, in United States Senate floor debates, and in House official reports on executive power abuses, and he appears on various radio and television programs as a guest political pundit.
Co-sponsors: Young Americans for Liberty of UW-Madison, Student Labor Action Coalition, Middle Eastern Law School Association, National Lawyers’ Guild of UW-Madison, Rainbow Bookstore Cooperative, Madison-Rafah Sister City Project, Model United Nations, and the Havens Center.
Funded in Part by Associated Students of Madison
For more information, please contact stevehorn1022(at), call 262-705-5856, or go to facebook.