The Madison-Rafah Sister City Project (MRSCP)

How to Help

Learn the Other Side

    Palestinians are discriminated against and denied equal individual rights on the grounds of their national and ethnic origin. These policies and practices of segregation bear striking similarities to those adopted in apartheid-era South Africa [4]. There is a war of attrition on civilians, including restrictions on movement, deliberately-induced humanitarian crises, and military attacks [5]. 18,147 Palestinian homes have been demolished by Israel since 1967 [3]. Israel’s legal system practices institutional discrimination that makes Arab Israelis second-class citizens by law [1]. The bottom line of this oppression is to make Palestinians leave their land in an intentional ethnic cleansing [2].

    The Human Toll
    At least 4,897 Palestinians and 1,062 Israelis have been killed since September 29, 2000. 1,050 Palestinian children and 123 Israeli children have been killed since September 29, 2000. 33,034 Palestinians and 8,341 Israelis have been injured since September 29, 2000 [3]. Between the start of the latest Israeli attack on December 27, 2008 and January 10, 2009, at least 854 Palestinians have been killed, including 270 children, 93 women, and 12 paramedics. Another 3,490 people have been wounded, overwhelming Gaza’s medical facilities. Ten Israeli soldiers and three civilians have been killed in combat or in rocket attacks since the operation began [6].

    A Palestinian State
    Israel’s military occupation of Palestinian land in the West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem has denied Palestinians the right to self – determination and their own state for over 40 years [1]. Israel has used this occupation to increase Israeli settlement of Palestinian land. Israel currently has 227 settlements built on confiscated Palestinian land. The settlements are strategically built colonies of Israel connected by a network of Israeli-only roads which separate Palestinian communities from each other and prevent their expansion [3].

    US Financial Support
    Israel currently receives one-third of all U.S. foreign aid. From 1949 to 2006 U.S. aid to Israel was $108 billion. Today it averages $2-3 billion per year, or $6-8 million per day, and the population of Israel is the same as Wisconsin [2]. Israel Is killing Palestinians in Gaza with U.S. weapons [7].

Talk to Others

    U.S. policies have supported Israel’s 40-year occupation of the Palestinian West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem, denying a Palestinian state and Palestinian rights [1].
    • Tell your Representative, Senators and President to stop supporting this
    with your tax dollars.
    • Talk to your friends about these issues.
    • Present a program in your neighborhood, church or school.


    We need volunteers to help organize, program, leaflet, table, lobby, demonstrate, raise funds, and sell crafts and olive oil. Contact the members doing this work to offer your help.

    The Madison-Rafah Sister City Project is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization, and donations are tax deductible. We currently need funds for ongoing Projects and other assistance.

[1] U.S. Military Aid to Israel: Policy Implications and Options, US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation
[2] Occupation 101: Voice of the Silenced Majority, Sufyan and Abdallah Omeish, 2006
[3] If Americans Knew, Alison Weir
[4] South African study: Israel practicing apartheid and colonialism, Human Sciences Research Council, 9 June 2009
[5] “Israel’s Brand of Apartheid: The Nakba Continues”, The Palestinian Society for the Protection of Human Rights & the Environment (LAW)
[6] “Israel warns of further escalation as Gaza death toll tops 850”, Adel Zaanoun, Agence France Presse, Jan 10, 2009
[7] Israel Is Killing Palestinians in Gaza with U.S. Weapons, US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, 2009