The Madison-Rafah Sister City Project

Year: 2020

  • Criticism of Israel is not antisemitism Grave implications for free speech, distracts from actual racism UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN. (INSTAGRAM) OPEN LETTER, Mondoweiss, DECEMBER 23, 2020 As faculty and […]

  • Palestinian Centre for Human Rights, December 27, 2020 Three Palestinian civilians, including a child, were wounded and many civilian buildings were damaged due to IOF air strikes in a densely […]

  • As 2020 comes to a close, we are writing to ask for your end-of-year contribution to two great efforts: one for Rafah and the other right here in Dane County. […]

  • BLACK LIVES MATTER RESOURCES MRSCP supports the Black Lives Matter movement, both because of its inherent demand for justice and also because of the similarities between how the U.S. treats […]

  • More Info & Registration

  • Establish Sisterhood Cities Between Dayton, OH and Salfit, Palestine While they have been focusing on local support in Dayton, they are now also looking for wider support in the U.S. […]

  • U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, left, and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu make a joint statement after meeting in Jerusalem, Thursday, Nov. 19, 2020. (AP Photo/Maya Alleruzzo, Pool) Tsela […]

  • Please thank Rep. Pocan for participating in the town hall and for being a champion for Palestinian rights. His DC office line is (202) 225-2906. The town hall was an […]

  • Dear Friends, Last year at this time my friend Laila was visiting the US, bringing the fabulously beautiful hand embroidered work of Women in Hebron to Fair Trade holiday craft […]

  • This week Pompeo broke with longstanding U.S. policy and visited illegal Israeli settlements. On his trip, he made several announcements, including that the State Department is designating BDS as antisemitic […]

  • Over 50 progressive organizations endorse Rep. Joaquin Castro for Chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee (HFAC). At the end of November, Democratic House members will vote on who takes […]

  • The Pompeo Doctrine

    Well, this is interesting. From State's readout on @SecPompeo visit to a settlement in occupied West Bank: "The Secretary’s visit highlights US government support of Israeli businesses in the West […]

  • November 13, 2020 I’m writing with some urgent news from East Jerusalem that hits very close to home – we’ve just received word that new eviction orders have been issued […]

  • Our online store, Madison-Rafah Marketplace, has added crafts to our olive oil sales. We offer ceramics, embroidery, jewelry, kufiyas, woodcrafts, and calendars. For the month of November make this your […]

  • Ref: 115/2020, 02 November 2020 The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights follows with grave concern the deteriorating health condition of Maher al-Akhras, as he enters the 99th consecutive day of […]

  • Adalah Justice Project, October 29, 2020 Today is the anniversary of the 1956 massacre at Kafr Qasim. Kafr Qasim is one of hundreds of Palestinian villages occupied by Israel during […]

  • Last month, Gaza experienced an 84% increase in COVID-19 cases. You know what would help Palestine & Israel? If @SecPompeo immediately released humanitarian aid & medical assistance for the people […]

  • Dear Members and Friends of MRSCP, Mark your calendars for the upcoming Madison Fair Trade Holiday Festival, which has gone virtual this year due to the pandemic. The sale will […]

  • Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and Oxfam are included John Hudson, Washington Post, Oct. 21, 2020 The Trump administration is considering labeling some of the most prominent humanitarian organizations in […]

  • The diplomats tour today. (Photo: B’Tselem – Breaking the Silence) B’Tselem, 19 October 2020 The representatives of 17 countries, including EU members as well as other countries, are currently visiting […]

  • Yesterday progressive Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) was headlined in the Palestine news-sphere as word came out about her speaking at a Peace Now event memorializing former Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak […]

  • Please consider an urgent appeal for support from We Are Not Numbers grassroots activists in Gaza, as the coronavirus crisis escalates in Gaza Palestinian youth tell the human stories behind […]

  • Announcing the First-Ever Nationwide Virtual Gaza 5K+Digital Festival Art Auction! Everyone’s mental health is being tested as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, but we won’t all suffer the same. […]

  • Did you know that food giant General Mills is manufacturing Pillsbury products on stolen Palestinian land? That is not OK. The Pillsbury factory is located in Atarot Industrial Zone, an […]

  • Ref: 85/2020, 02 September 2020 Three siblings from al-Nuseirat refugee camp, Central Gaza Strip, died after fire broke out in their house caused by a lit candle used for light […]

  • Attacks on Palestinian-American Delegate Linda Sarsour After DNC delegate and Palestinian-American activist Linda Sarsour spoke at an official DNC event of the Muslim Delegates and Allies Assembly on August 18th, […]

  • Warning of Gaza Power Plant Shutdown Ref: 75/2020, 17 August 2020 The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) expresses its deep concern over the repercussions of the Gaza Power Plant […]

  •   Celine Jaber, Physicians for Human Rights Israel (PHRI), August 16, 2020 Dear friends, A month ago, I checked my inbox, and my stomach sank. An older woman from Gaza […]

  • Edward Said National Conservatory of Music (Ahdaf Soueif for PalFest) Massive Attack, Steve Coogan, Peter Gabriel, Maxine Peake, Philip Pullman and Benjamin Zephaniah are among 60+ cultural figures to put […]

  • Fuel Entry Suspended and Fishing Area Reduced Ref: 72/2020, 13 August 2020 On Wednesday, 12 August 2020, Israeli authorities announced new restrictions on the movement of goods entering the Gaza […]

  • Palestinians in the southern Hebron mountains Credit: Eliyahu Hershkovitz Amira Hass, Haaretz, 03/08/2020 Next Monday the justices of the High Court of Justice will discuss the State of Israel’s demand […]

  • ‘I didn’t make the cave. It has existed since antiquity,’ says Ahmed Amarneh from West Bank village of Farasin Ahmed Amarneh and a neighbor chat outside his home, built in […]

  • Find inspiration and hope reading this full-page ad from the July 29 Wisconsin State Journal. In an expression of moral solidarity, 39 leaders of local faith organizations clearly state why […]

  • July 27, 2020 July 27, 2020, New York –  Students asked New York’s Appellate Court on Friday to reject an effort by Fordham University to overturn a decision ordering the […]

  • Israeli soldiers watched construction on desperately needed facility for two months before sending in the bulldozers Palestinian engineer Raed Maswade inspects the rubble of the testing centre after it was […]

  • American Jews playing klezmer in front of House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi’s home in San Francisco to demand she take action against annexation. Over the past few weeks, IfNotNow has organized […]

  • Date: 23 July 2020 Time: 09 30 GMT On Wednesday, 22 July 2020, Israeli occupation forces (IOF) raided Yabous Cultural Centre and Edward Said National Conservatory of Music (ESNCM) in […]

  • THE ANCIENT BAPTISMAL FONT ALLEGEDLY STOLEN FROM TUQU BY ISRAELI FORCES. (PHOTO: MA’AN NEWS AGENCY) YUMNA PATEL, Mondoweiss, JULY 20, 2020 Palestinians from a Bethlehem-area town are accusing Israeli forces […]

  • Ahmad Erekat was unlawfully killed by Israeli occupation forces 24 days ago. His body, among those of 63 other slain Palestinians, is still being held hostage by the Israeli government. […]

  • SAM BAHOUR, CounterPunch, July 16, 2020 The timer is now ticking on Israel. While Israel historically put Palestinians on the slow burner, gnawing at their lands and livelihoods, time was […]

  • Join Physicians for Social Responsibility Wisconsin virtually on August 6 at 7:30 PM for activism, sing-along, and live lantern launch. This will be live streamed on PSR Wisconsin’s Facebook page […]

  • JULY 27 Pandemic and the Creative Response: How can art pave the way for justice? In recent weeks, we’ve witnessed a global cry for justice in face of systemic racism. […]

  • Institute for Palestine Studies, July 14, 2020 Recent police violence in the US has sparked anti-racism protests around the world and ignited a discussion of systemic racism within many societies […]

  • Oscar Rennebohm Park, Madison 6 pm Vegan Food by JustVeggies 7 pm Community Education 8 pm Vigil Vigil for all Black Lives lost to white supremacy and police brutality, and […]

  • A virtual summit on building a united racial justice movement from the U.S. to Palestine Eyewitness Palestine (formerly Interfaith Peace-Builders) JOIN US July 18 for a day of: Powerful Analysis, […]

  • For decades I argued for separation between Israelis and Palestinians. Now, I can imagine a Jewish home in an equal state. Israeli soldiers interacting in the West Bank last month […]

  • The Palestinian Human Rights Organizations Council renews the call for targeted sanctions

  • Israel's annexation of occupied territory would be a disaster for international law, self-determination, freedom and equality. I stand with @AOC and House progressives. We cannot allow U.S. tax dollars to […]

  • Congressman, @repmarkpocan just issued a statement on Israeli annexation: "Congress must put conditions on U.S. funding to Israel to demonstrate opposition to annexation and the violation of Palestinian human rights." […]

  • This letter, signed by more than 100 progressive, anti-war, and faith-based U.S. organizations, urges presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden (and Donald Trump) to adopt a principled foreign policy towards Israel […]