The Madison-Rafah Sister City Project

Week of 6/10/24 – Daniel Ellsberg Week

Madison for a World BEYOND War

Although Palestine remains our focus, we are mindful of all the other areas in the world, including in our own country, where the insanity of militarism continues to cause unbearable suffering, either directly or indirectly. We continue our presence to advocate for a world beyond war.

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Vigil and fasting at the Capitol continues on Thursday 6/13

Farmers’ Market Gaza vigil with shoe display and reading names of victims continues this Saturday 6/15

Honoring Daniel Ellsberg

Madison, Farmers’ Market, 6/8/24   War Abolition Bike Riders at the IPWG’s protest for Gaza

Shoes are displayed to signify the victims, and names of victims are spoken

Thursday 6/13   11am-3pm   Capitol Rotunda

Join Madison for a World BEYOND War and Building Unity for one day of vigil and optional fasting. Call on representatives at all levels to join in solidarity with the people of Palestine and end US military support for the ongoing atrocities. Show up anytime and stay as long as you are able. Building Unity has initiated a petition drive; copies will be available to sign. You can read this petition here. Or print it out, sign and gather all the signatures that you can. Scan or take pictures of your signed petitions and forward them to Madison for a World BEYOND War (

Saturday 6/15 10am-12pm Madison Farmers’ Market Gaza Vigil 

Interfaith Peace Working Group (IPWG) organized successful actions the past two Saturdays with a display of shoes and a reading of Gazan victims’ names. Both the visual and the audio are powerful representations of the suffering, some people were moved to tears. We will borrow IPWG’s idea and their material to again make a presence at the Farmers’ Market this Saturday. We will be located at the WNPJ table on the square, King, S Pinckney, E Main Streets’ corner. Stop by for any time or the entire time as you can. Please let us know if you’d like to help set up or take down.

Honoring Daniel Ellsberg Week

June 16 marks the one year anniversary of the death of Daniel Ellsberg, the acclaimed whistleblower who risked spending his life in jail when he released the Pentagon Papers and instead sparked a national crisis of conscience regarding the Vietnam War. Daniel remained an activist throughout his life calling out the dangers of the nuclear era, wrongful U.S. interventions and the urgent need for principled whistleblowing. He did not flinch from speaking what was left unspoken, including that the US’s use of nuclear weapons in Hiroshima and Nagasaki set a precedent for their further use. 

We are in a time when yet another crisis of conscience is underway. Honor Ellsberg’s legacy by acknowledging and calling out the blatant fallacy that ever advancing military technology makes anyone safe. Honor his legacy by demanding that the US cease military funding for Israel and call for an immediate permanent ceasefire in Palestine along with the opening of Gaza’s borders for desperately needed aid. Honor each and every whistleblower now and into the future who is willing to risk personal security for difficult and essential truth-telling.

World BEYOND War is a global network of volunteers, chapters, and affiliated organizations advocating for the abolition of the institution of war. 
Donate to support our people-powered movement for peace.





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